Delivery Solutions Bucuresti (SDAY) - 10 RON (%)


Decizie ASF nr.670 din 15.05.2017 - retragere de la tranzactionare - incepand cu data de 18.05.2017
Decizie ASF nr.514/12.04.2017 - Suspendare tranzactionare incepand cu data de 20.04.2017
Convocare AGOA 01.05.2017-02.05.2017 (data referinta 17.04.2017) (AGA bilant 2016, aprobarea nerepartizarii profitului 2016 - la dispozitia societatii)
Rezultate OPC - erata pct.6 nr. actiuni depuse in cadrul ofertei
In aşteptarea unor listări mari, asistăm la câteva delistări mai mici

PIAŢA bursieră de la Bucureşti aşteaptă cu nerăbdare noi listări, cu toate că în ultimele luni companii precum Delivery Solutions (SDAY) şi Albalact (ALBZ) şi-au anunţat planurile pentru delistare, în timp ce acţiunile Romcab Târgu-Mureş (MCAB) au fost suspendate de la tranzacţionare. Cu toate acestea, este adevărat, aceste companii nu erau în topul celor mai lichizi emitenţi, aşadar retragerea lor din ringul de tranzacţionare nu afectează într-un mod cu adevărat decisiv soarta bursei de la Bucureşti. Mai mult, MedLife (M) a intrat pe piaţa românească de capital în decembrie 2016, cu o capitalizare iniţială de 522 mii. lei, reuşind să se menţină în ultimă lună (19 ianuarie - 19 februarie) în topul celor mai tranzacţionaţi zece emitenţi. Rulajul zilnic pe piaţa reglementată este în jur de 8,5 mil. euro, în timp ce pe piaţa AeRO, pe care sunt listate 275 de companii, media zilnică de tranzacţionare atinge 0,98 mil. euro. Delivery Solutions, companie de curierat, a anunţat că intenţionează să se delisteze de pe piaţa alternativă AeRO. Octavian Bădescu, acţionar ce deţine 68% din acţiunile Delivery Solutions, a reclamat birocraţia şi lipsa unei libertăţi de mişcare în cazul companiilor listate. în perioada 26 ianuarie 15 februarie, s-a derulat o ofertă de cumpărare pentru un pachet de acţiuni reprezentând 7,47% din compania de curierat, practic restul de acţiuni care nu se aflau în deţinerea celor doi mari acţionari, Octavian Bădescu şi Lucian Băltaru. Suma achitată pentru acest pachet a fost de 354.720 lei, reprezentând un preţ de 10 lei per acţiune. Pentru delistarea unei companii, decizia trebuie susţinută de 95% din numărul de acţiuni, în vreme ce Bădescu şi Băltaru deţin 96% din Delivery Solutions.

Rezultate OPC
Bădescu, Sameday Courier: Ne delistăm din cauza birocraţiei. Pe piaţa de capital există mai puţină liberatate de mişcare

DELIVERY Solutions (SDAY), primul operator românesc de curierat listat la bursă, este în plin proces de delistare, estimat a se încheia pe 15 februarie, pe fondul creşterii birocraţiei şi al faptului că în cazul unei companii listate există mai puţină libertate de mişcare. Iar toate aceste dezavantaje au început în momentul de faţă să depăşească avantajele listării, spune Octavian Bădescu, fondatorul companiei şi acţionar cu 64,5%. 'O listare vine cu avantaje, dar şi cu dezavantaje, iar în momentul actual, chiar dacă s-au obţinut efectele pozitive, birocraţia, faptul că există mai puţină libertate de mişcare reprezintă factori care încep să depăşească avantajele listării", a spus Bădescu ieri la emisiuna de business ZF Live. Compania înfiinţată de antreprenorul român a intrat în ringul de tranzacţionare în februarie 2015 la un preţ pe acţiune de 7,5 lei. La o lună de la listare, acţiunile se tranzacţionau la 8,25 lei. în prezent capitalizarea companiei este de 10 mil. lei, adică 10 lei pentru o acţiune. în luna ianuarie din 2017, Bădescu a lansat o ofertă de cumpărare a 74.700 de acţiuni, adică 7,5% din capitalul social al companiei, pachet care se tranzacţiona la liber pe bursă. Alături de el, în acţionariatul companiei mai este prezent Lucian Băltaru, cu 28%, şi intenţionează ca împreună să ajungă la 100% din compania cu afaceri de 8,6 mil. lei în 2015. Preţul mediu ponderat al ultimelor 12 luni de tranzacţionare a acţiunilor SDAY pe bursă a fost de 8,21 lei. 'Personal, am cumpărat acţiuni la cel mai mare preţ, respectiv 8,4 lei per acţiune. Cu siguranţă am putea realiza această delistare cu costuri mai mici. Se poate face de exemplu o majorare de capital, dar intenţia noastră este de a nu prejudicia în vreun fel acţionarii minoritari", mai spune Bădescu. Antreprenorul apreciază că cei care au intrat în acţionariatul companiei de la începutul listării, care au încasat dividende pe perioada listării şi care acum au oportunitatea de a-şi vinde acţiunile, vor obţine cel mai probabil un profit de 35-50%. 'Dacă ar fi să tragem linie, un investitor care a fost cu noi de prima dată şi care a luat dividende de două ori până acum va avea un profit de 3550%." El susţine că Sameday va continua să se dezvolte, chiar dacă se va delista. 'Probabil că la un moment dat compania va căpăta un alt acţionariat." Bădescu spune că principalele motive ale listării au constat în obţinerea unei valori de piaţă, creşterea vizibilităţii şi motivarea personalului companiei, care s-au concretizat pe întreg parcursul listării. 'In primul rând ne-a interesat obţinerea unei valori de piaţă a companiei, dar o valoare neutră dată de piaţă (valoarea companiei a fost de 7,5 milioane de lei în momentul listării - n. red.), apoi vizibilitatea şi notorietatea dată de listare, fapt care ne-a adus într-adevăr mai mult în opinia publică şi, nu în ultimul rând, motivarea personalului. Unii dintre angajaţi au cumpărat acţiuni la noi, devenind astfel acţionari."

Octavian Bădescu vrea să delisteze de la bursă firma de curierat (SDAY). „Ne-am decis să schimbăm strategia faţă de momentul listării.“

Octavian Bădescu, antrepre­no­rul care a fondat compania de curierat Sameday Courier (SDAY), vrea să-şi majoreze participaţia la com­panie prin achiziţio­narea a 74.700 de acţiuni, adică 7,5% din capitalul so­cial, pachet care în pre­zent se tran­zac­ţionează la liber la bursă, şi să delis­teze com­pania. El deţine în pre­zent 64,5% din com­pa­nie, în timp ce Lu­cian Băltaru are 28%, şi int­en­ţio­nează că îm­pre­ună să ajungă la 100% din com­pania cu 10 mi­l. lei cap­i­ta­lizare. „Ne-am decis să schimbăm strategia faţă de momentul lis­tării, iar această schim­bare poate avea anu­mite efecte, spre exem­plu modifi­carea politicii de dividende pe următorii ani. De aceea ne dorim răscumpărarea acţiu­nilor la un preţ care oferă un caştig foarte bun acţionarilor”, a spus Bădescu pentru ZF.

Documente OPC, intermediar SSIF Prime Transaction SA
Anunt OPC 26.01.2017 - 15.02.2017
Decizie ASF nr.36 din 12.01.2017
Hotarari AGEA 21.11.2016(Convocator) (dizolvarea si lichidarea societatii ACTIVE ONLINE SOLUTIONS SRL, desfintarea si infintarea de puncte de lucru, completare obiect secundar de activitate, diverse)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (16.11.2016, cumparare)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (14.10.2016, vanzare)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (vanzare)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (04.10.2016, cumparare)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (20.09.2016, vanzare)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (20.09.2016, cumparare)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (20.09.2016, vanzare)
Raport semestrial 2016 (Mentiune ref. neauditare situatii financiare)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (31.08.2016, vanzare)
Raport semestrial 2016
Situatii financiare semestrul I 2016
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (22.08.2016, vanzare)
Raport semestrial 2016
Rezultate Financiare semestrul I 2016
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (20.07.2016, cumparare)
Comunicat societate 16.06.2016 (ref plata dividende aferente anului 2015)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (23.05.2016, vanzare)
Notification - Transactions of insiders (23.05.2016, sell)
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (20.05.2016, vanzare)
Notification - Transactions of insiders (20.05.2016, sell)
Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:


Declaratia privind Guvernanta Corporativa
Annual Report 2015
Raport anual 2015 (cu anexe)
General Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders Resolutions (meeting held on 5/11/2016)
Afaceri de 3 mil. lei pentru (SDAY), in TI 2016

Afaceri de 3 mil. lei pentru Sameday Courier, in TI 2016. Sameday Courier a raportat o cifra de afaceri pe primul trimestru al acestui an de 3.000.284 lei. Suma este mai mare cu 15% fata de volumul inregistrat in perioada similara a anului trecut. Afaceri de 3 mil. lei pentru Sameday Courier, in TI 2016 Sameday Courier a raportat o cifra de afaceri pe primul trimestru al acestui an de 3.000.284 lei. Suma este mai mare cu 15% fata de volumul inregistrat in perioada similara a anului trecut. De asemenea, profitul a crescut cu 13,7 % fata de primul trimestru din 2015. Rata de profit corespunzatoare perioadei ianuarie-martie 2016 a fost de peste 18%, valoarea acestuia pe primul trimestru al anului 2016 fiind de 543.688 lei, se arata intr-un comunicat remis redactiei. La jumatatea lunii februarie a anului trecut, Sameday a devenit primul operator românesc de curierat rapid listat la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti si prima companie româneasca listata pe platforma AeRO a BVB. Compania estimeaza, la nivelul intregului an 2016, o crestere a cifrei de afaceri a companiei peste media pietei din toate punctele de vedere, vizând atingerea unui volum in valoare de aproximativ 11 milioane lei si o profitabilitate de doua cifre. SAMEDAY

Octavian Badescu, fondator (SDAY):”Piața româneasca de curierat se consolideaza. Crește zona de e-commerce”

”Piaț a româneasca de curierat se consolideaza, iar provocarile vin in primul rând din zona de gestionare operaț ionala a dezvoltarii. Creș te zona de e-commerce, cresc ș i livrarile catre persoane fizice, creș te nevoia pentru livrarile programate la anumite ore”, spune Octavian Badescu, antreprenor ș i fondator al Sameday Courier. Vorbeș te despre o piaț a a carei valoare este estimata anul acesta la aproximativ 370 de milioane de euro, cu 15% peste nivelul inregistrat in 2015 ș i susț inuta puternic de comerț ul online. Ca piaț a de curierat este una atractiva o demonstreaza chiar ș i anunț urile de angajare ale companiilor, precum ș i noutaț ile anunț ate pe anumite segmente. De exemplu, la jumatatea lunii februarie a anului trecut, Sameday a devenit primul operator românesc de curierat rapid listat la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti ș i prima companie româneasca listata pe platforma AeRO a BVB. „Dupa ce am anunț at deja faptul ca propunem ș i in acest an acț ionarilor, in luna mai, distribuirea unor dividende aferente anului trecut cu un randament brut de peste 6 %, superior celui din 2015 ș i dobânzii bancare. Anul acesta avem o crestere de doua cifre a veniturilor ș i a profitului”, a spus ș i Lucian Baltaru, acț ionar ș i General Performance Manager la Sameday Courier.Sameday Courier (simbol bursier SDAY) a raportat o cifra de afaceri pe primul trimestru al acestui an de 3.000.284 lei. Suma este mai mare cu 15% fata de volumul inregistrat in perioada similara a anului trecut. De asemenea, profitul a crescut cu 13,7 % faț a de primul trimestru din 2015. Rata de profit corespunzatoare perioadei ianuarie-martie 2016 a fost de peste 18%, valoarea acestuia pe primul trimestru al anului 2016 fiind de 543.688 lei.

(BVB)-23 de companii de pe piata AeRO trec la categoria 'premium'

Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) anunta ca 23 de companii de pe piata AeRO vor trece la categoria 'premium' din 15 februarie, unul dintre criterii fiind ca valoarea medie zilnica a tranzactiilor in piata principala in ultimele sase luni sa fie mai mare de 1.000 de euro sau valoarea totala a detinerilor mai mici de 10% sa fie mai mare de 1 milion de euro. Restul companiilor vor face parte din categoria Standard. ''Actiunile nou admise, fara istoric de tranzactionare, vor fi incluse in categoria AeRO - 'premium' pentru o perioada de cel putin 12 luni de la debutul acestora pe AeRO, daca nu intervin situatii extraordinare care sa conduca la reclasificarea lor in categoria AeRO - 'standard''', se mentioneaza intr-un comunicat la BVB. Companiile care vor face parte din Categoria AeRO - 'premium' sunt: Argus Constanta (UARG), al doilea jucator de pe piata uleiului imbuteliat din Romania, Autonova Satu Mare (AUTQ), companie care activeaza in domeniul proiectarii si fabricatiei atat de echipamente hidraulice de franare pentru autovehicule, cat si de diferite ansamble, subansamble si piese individuale pentru industria auto si non auto si Bittnet Systems (BNET), funizor de cursuri IT, servicii de implementare solutii IT. Pe lista mai sunt trecute companiile: Braiconf Braila (BRCR), cel mai mare producator de camasi din Romania, Bucur Obor Bucuresti (BUCU) - companie care administreaza un centru comercial in Bucuresti, Bucur Bucuresti (BUCV), compania are ca domeniu de activitate comertul cu ridicata, nespecializat, de produse alimentare, bauturi si tutun. Lista este completata de companiile: Comat Galati (COTM), Comnord Bucuresti (COSC), Compania Hoteliera Intercontinental Romania (RCHI) , Comvex Constanta (CMVX), Delivery Solutions (SDAY), Electroprecizia Sacele (ELZY), Flaros Bucuresti (FLAO), Imotrust Arad (ARCV), Iproeb Bistrita (IPRU), Life is Hard Cluj-Napoca (LIH), Mercur Craiova (MRDO), Practic Bucuresti (PRBU), Prodvinalco Cluj (VAC), Prospectiuni Bucuresti (PRSN), Transilvania Leasing si Credit IFN Brasov (TSLA) si Uzinexport Bucuresti (UZIN). AeRO este segmentul dedicat actiunilor din cadrul sistemului alternativ de tranzactionare al BVB. Acesta este un segment de piata dedicat listarii companiilor la inceput de drum, pentru finantarea proiectelor, cresterea vizibilitatii si contributiei la dezvoltarea mediului de afaceri. Bazata pe sistemul alternativ de tranzactionare al BVB, existent din 2010, piata AeRO, sub un concept reproiectat si reconstruit, a fost lansata pe 25 februarie 2015.

Segmentare pe piata AeRO: 23 de companii vor trece la compania Premium

Companiile cu vizibilitate mai mare de pe sistemul alternativ de tranzactionare a Bursei de Valori Bucuresti vor trece la o categorie Premium, in timp ce celelalte vor ramane la categoria Standard. Operatorul de piata incearca, astfel, ca creeze o departajare valorica intre cei 280 de emitenti ai pietei AeRO. Bursa de Valori Bucuresti a facut eforturi in cursul anului trecut sa promoveze sub o imagine noua sistemul sau alternativ de tranzactionare. Intrarea in devalmasie pe noua piata AeRO a mai multor emitenti de pe Rasdaq, dintre care unii nu respectau standardele minime pentru o societate listata, a fost criticata de investitori. Operatorul de piata BVB incearca sa puna ordine in criterii si va promova, incepand de lunea viitoare, 23 de companii la o categorie Premium, in timp ce restul societatilor vor ramane la categoria Standard. La inceputul lunii octombrie a anului trecut, directorul general al Bursei, polonezul Ludwik Sobolewski, declara pentru ca este constient de potentialul impact negativ al trecerii masive a unor societati de pe Rasdaq pe piata AeRO pentru brandul sistemului alternativ de tranzactionare si ca, in scopul departajarii, are in vedere o segmentare pe categorii a pietei. Filosofia conducerii BVB a fost ca aceasta clasificare de imagine sa se realizeze prin promovare si nu in sens punitiv. Astfel, emitentii care sunt mai prietenosi fata de piata vor fi promovati la categoria superioara, in vreme ce ceilalti, care nu sunt interesati de transparenta si de atragerea de finantare, vor fi trecuti in uitare chiar de investitori, cernerea urmand sa o faca piata insasi.2015 - anul lichidarii pietei Rasdaq Criteriile minime pentru incadrarea pe segmentul Premium este ca societatea sa insumeze un volum mediu zilnic de cel putin 1.000 de euro in ultimele 6 luni si valoarea totala a detinerilor mai mici de 10% sa fie de cel putin un milion de euro. Cei 23 emitenti care vor intra incepand cu 15 februarie la cota AeRO Premium sunt Argus Constanta (UARG), Autonova Satu Mare (AUTQ), Bittnet Systems (BNET), Braiconf Braila (BRCR), Bucur Obor (BUCU), Bucur Bucuresti (BUCV), Comat Galati (COTM), Comnord Bucuresti (COSC), Compania Hoteliera Intercontinental Romania (RCHI), Comvex Constanta (CMVX), Delivery Solutions (SDAY), Electroprecizia Sacele (ELZY), Flaros Bucuresti (FLAO), Imotrust Arad (ARCV), International Caviar Corporation Calan (AMAL), Iproeb Bistrita (IPRU) Life is Hard Cluj-Napoca (LIH), Mercur Craiova (MRDO), Practic Bucuresti (PRBU), Prodvinalco Cluj (VAC), Prospectiuni Bucuresti (PRSN), Transilvania Leasing si Credit IFN Brasov (TSLA) si Uzinexport Bucuresti (UZIN).

(BVB): 23 de companii de pe piata AeRO vor trece la categoria premium din 15 februarie

Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) anunta ca 23 de companii de pe piata AeRO vor trece la categoria 'premium' din 15 februarie, unul dintre criterii fiind ca valoarea medie zilnica a tranzactiilor in piata principala in ultimele sase luni sa fie mai mare de 1.000 de euro sau valoarea totala a detinerilor mai mici de 10% sa fie mai mare de 1 milion de euro, scrie Agerpres. Restul companiilor vor face parte din categoria Standard.''Actiunile nou admise, fara istoric de tranzactionare, vor fi incluse in categoria AeRO - 'premium' pentru o perioada de cel putin 12 luni de la debutul acestora pe AeRO, daca nu intervin situatii extraordinare care sa conduca la reclasificarea lor in categoria AeRO - 'standard''', se mentioneaza intr-un comunicat la BVB remis marti AGERPRES.Companiile care vor face parte din Categoria AeRO - 'premium' sunt: Argus Constanta (UARG), al doilea jucator de pe piata uleiului imbuteliat din Romania, Autonova Satu Mare (AUTQ), companie care activeaza in domeniul proiectarii si fabricatiei atat de echipamente hidraulice de franare pentru autovehicule, cat si de diferite ansamble, subansamble si piese individuale pentru industria auto si non auto si Bittnet Systems (BNET), funizor de cursuri IT, servicii de implementare solutii IT. Pe lista mai sunt trecute companiile: Braiconf Braila (BRCR), cel mai mare producator de camasi din Romania, Bucur Obor Bucuresti (BUCU) - companie care administreaza un centru comercial in Bucuresti, Bucur Bucuresti (BUCV), compania are ca domeniu de activitate comertul cu ridicata, nespecializat, de produse alimentare, bauturi si tutun.Lista este completata de companiile: Comat Galati (COTM), Comnord Bucuresti (COSC), Compania Hoteliera Intercontinental Romania (RCHI) , Comvex Constanta (CMVX), Delivery Solutions (SDAY), Electroprecizia Sacele (ELZY), Flaros Bucuresti (FLAO), Imotrust Arad (ARCV), Iproeb Bistrita (IPRU), Life is Hard Cluj-Napoca (LIH), Mercur Craiova (MRDO), Practic Bucuresti (PRBU), Prodvinalco Cluj (VAC), Prospectiuni Bucuresti (PRSN), Transilvania Leasing si Credit IFN Brasov (TSLA) si Uzinexport Bucuresti (UZIN).

Curierii de la (SDAY), in carti pentru dividende cu un randament de 5,6%

Delivery Solutions, firma de curierat cu livrare in aceeasi zi, care detine brandul SameDay (SDAY), a incheiat anul 2015 cu un profit net de 460.000 de lei, in usoara crestere fata de anul precendent, potrivit unui anunt cu datele financiare preliminare pe anul trecut facut de companie pe sistemul alternativ AeRO. Aplicand rata de distributie de anul trecut, de 95,6% din rezultatul net, ar rezulta ca firma ar putea distribui dividende de peste 439.000 de lei in acest an, echivalentul unei distributii de 0,439 lei/actiune. La cel mai recent pret din piata, de 7,8 lei/unitate, ar rezulta un randament al dividendului de circa 5,6%. Actiunile SDAY au intrat la tranzactionare pe AeRO pe 25 februarie 2015 la pretul de 7,5 lei pe titlu, cu un discount de 19% fata de pretul stabilit de consultantul care a pregatit listarea, firma FSA Advisory condusa de italianul Federico Salmoiraghi. Scopul listarii pe bursa a fost obtinerea unei valori de piata pentru companie, declarau in momentul listarii proprietarii companiei. Octavian Badescu este cel mai mare actionar cu circa 62% din capital, iar Lucian Baltaru, administratorul firmei, detine 27,3%. Diferenta de 10,7% din actiuni apartine investitorilor la bursa. Inainte de listare, Octavian Badescu a detinut 70% din capital, iar Lucian Baltaru 30%.

Actiunile (SDAY), cele mai profitabile din noul val AeRO

Titlurile Delivery Solutions, firma de curierat cu livrare in aceeasi zi, care detine brandul SameDay (SDAY), le-au adus investitorilor cel mai mare castig din randul companiilor nou-listate pe sistemul alternativ de tranzactionare AeRO, relansat de Bursa de Valori Bucuresti in februarie anul trecut. Mai exact, actiunile SDAY au raportat o crestere de 2,5% din momentul listarii (25 februarie 2015) pana in prezent, in conditiile in care actiunile celorlalte companii au suferit deprecieri si de 49% din momentul listarii. Daca la acest randament se adauga si dividendul platit anul trecut de firma de curierat, randamentul total al investitorilor in actiunile SDAY se ridica la 8,15%. In prezent, firma de curierat este evaluata la 8 milioane de lei, potrivit capitalizarii bursiere din 30 decembrie 2015.

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BAZL), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CLUJ), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBJ), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBS), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTM), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MCAB), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREB), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SCTB), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SMRZ), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BAZL), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CLUJ), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBJ), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTM), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SMRZ), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBJ), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTM), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SMRZ), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

AeRO se reorganizeaza dupa ultimul val de "rasdace": 90% din companii vor fi scoase de la tranzactionarea continua

Lansata cu aproape sapte luni in urma, piata AeRO va trece printr-o serie de modificari in perioada urmatoare, cea mai importanta fiind o asa-zisa ‘segregare’ a companiilor foarte putin tranzactionate de cele care genereaza un anumit nivel de lichiditate.Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) a lansat AeRO in februarie 2015, mizand pe atragerea companiilor antreprenoriale si de talie medie-mica pe acest sistem alternativ de tranzactionare. Patru companii s-au listat direct pe AeRO pana in prezent, alte 252 fiind transferate din piata Rasdaq. Transferurile au venit in contextul in care Rasdaq urmeaza sa se desfiinteze peste o luna.Ludwik Sobolewski, directorul general al BVB, estimeaza ca totalul companiilor transferate de pe Rasdaq va ajunge in final la circa 270.“Cele patru noi companii listate pe AeRO reprezinta un numar mai mic decat cel pe care il tintim in acest an sunt sanse sa vedem noi listari in ultimele luni din 2015. Cel mai dezamagitor lucru dupa cele sapte luni de existenta ale AeRO este faptul ca firmele listate nu au atras foarte mult capital din piata”, mentioneaza Ludwik Sobolewski.Compania Evolutie actiuni* Valoarea actiunilor tranzactionate (lei)* Numar de zile in care s-a tranzactionatBittnet Systems +16,7% 566.000 109Delivery Solutions (Sameday Courier) -4,9% 1.073.000 110Carpathia Capital -12.3% 54.000 63Chronos Curier -15% 18.000 17*De la momentul listarii companiei si pana joi, 1 septembrie 2015 (inclusiv)Inainte de listarea pe AeRO, Bittnet Systems (BNET) a atras o finantare de 150.000 de euro de la fondul polonez Carpathia Capital. Bittnet a mai inregistrat ulterior schimburi de 566.000 lei pe bursa. Cele mai tranzactionate actiuni de pe AeRO au fost insa cele ale Delivery Solutions (SDAY), compania care opereaza brandul Sameday Courier. Titlurile SDAY au avut un rulaj total de 1,07 mil. lei.“Odata cu transferurile de pe Rasdaq, am fost pusi in fata unei situatii neobisnuite, avand zeci si sute de astfel de companii companii ‘amestecate’ cu noile sosiri de pe AeRO. Vom imparti companiile in doua categorii similare celor din piata principala, unde avem segmentul Premium si segmentul Standard. Noul sistem nu va discrimina societatile de pe Rasdaq”, spune Ludwik Sobolewski.Companiile care vor avea un numar foarte scazut de tranzactii si volume foarte reduse vor fi trecute pe un sistem de tranzactionare pe model de licitatie cu o singura perioada de fixing. “Acestea nu vor fi disponibile la tranzactionarea continua decat daca vor lua masuri pentru imbunatatirea lichiditatii, ca de exemplu daca vor avea un market maker. Estimam ca pana la 90% din companiile de pe AeRO vor trece pe modelul de fixing”, a explicat Sobolewski.PUBLICITATE Bursa de Valori Bucuresti va introduce pana la finalul anului un “cod elementar de guvernanta corporativa” care va fi impus companiilor listate, precum si un cod de bune practici pentru Consultantii Autorizati de pe AeRO. De asemenea, BVB va efectua o verificare de rutina a Consultantilor Autorizati in fiecare an.“Ma astept ca reprezentantii Chronos sa iasa din orice afacere. Ascunderea informatiilor este intolerabila”Schimbarile au loc si dupa ce compania de curierat Chronos Curier (CHR) si-a anuntat intrarea in insolventa la propria cerere, la doar trei luni dupa ce se listase in piata AeRO, fara sa ofere insa alte detalii despre eveniment.“Cea mai mare problema este ca societatea nu a anuntat nimic asa cum trebuie. Chronos si-a incalcat obligatiile fata de operatorul de piata si fata de investitori. Oricine are dreptul sa intre in’faliment’, este un risc ce se poate materializa pe orice bursa. Intolerabil este insa ascunderea unor informatii esentiale. Ma astept ca reprezentantii companiei responsabili de acest lucru sa iasa din orice afacere timp de ani de zile. Cred ca urmarile si sanctiunile asupra Chronos vor fi atat de severe incat nu vor mai exista alte cazuri similare”, a declarat Ludwik Sobolewski.Cu o saptamana in urma, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti a cerut Chronos sa prezinte explicatii cu privire la respectarea prevederilor Codului BVB in ceea ce priveste obligatiile de raportare. Compania a fost de asemenea trecuta pe lista de observatie a emitentilor.“As sfatui totusi investitorii sa fie atenti la riscuri atunci cand cumpara actiunile unei companii mici, care nu a incercat sa atraga fonduri inainte de listare. Daca o companie atrage o finantare inainte de a veni pe bursa, acest lucru arata macar ca niste persoane au analizat acea societate si au decis ca merita investit. Acesta este si motivul pentru care BVB nu prefera listarile tehnice ale companiilor mici”, a concluzionat Sobolewski.

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

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