Active imobilizate |
BP |
Balance |
1000000 |
Non-current assets |
Imobilizari necorporale |
BS |
Balance |
1000010 |
Intangible assets |
Imobilizari corporale |
BS |
Balance |
1000020 |
Tangible fixed assets |
Imobilizari financiare |
BS |
Balance |
1000030 |
Financial fixed assets |
Active circulante |
BP |
Balance |
2000000 |
Current Assets |
Stocuri |
BS |
Balance |
2000010 |
Inventories |
Creante |
BS |
Balance |
2000020 |
Receivables |
Cheltuieli inregistrate in avans |
BS |
Balance |
2000030 |
Prepayments |
Investitii financiare pe termen scurt |
BS |
Balance |
2000040 |
Short-term financial investments |
Casa si conturi la banci |
BS |
Balance |
2000050 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Alte active circulante |
BS |
Balance |
2000060 |
Other current assets |
Active detinute in vederea vanzarii |
BP |
Balance |
3000000 |
Assets held for sale |
Total Activ |
BP |
Balance |
4000000 |
Total Assets |
Datorii |
BP |
Balance |
5000000 |
Liabilities |
Datorii pe termen scurt |
BP |
Balance |
6000000 |
Current liabilities |
Datorii comerciale |
BS |
Balance |
6000010 |
Trade payables |
Datorii financiare |
BS |
Balance |
6000020 |
Financial liabilities |
Alte datorii pe termen scurt |
BS |
Balance |
6000030 |
Other short term liabilities |
Provizioane (termen scurt) |
BS |
Balance |
6000040 |
Provisions (short-term) |
Venituri in avans (termen scurt) |
BS |
Balance |
6000050 |
Deferred income (short-term) |
Datorii pe termen lung |
BP |
Balance |
7000000 |
Non-current liabilities |
Datorii comerciale |
BS |
Balance |
7000010 |
Trade payables |
Datorii financiare |
BS |
Balance |
7000020 |
Financial liabilities |
Alte datorii pe termen lung |
BS |
Balance |
7000030 |
Other long term liabilities |
Provizioane (termen lung) |
BS |
Balance |
7000040 |
Provisions (long-term) |
Venituri in avans (termen lung) |
BS |
Balance |
7000050 |
Deferred income (long-term) |
Datorii asociate activelor detinute pentru vanzare |
BP |
Balance |
8000000 |
Liabilities associated with assets held for sale |
Capitaluri proprii |
BP |
Balance |
9000000 |
Equity |
Capital social |
BS |
Balance |
9000010 |
Share capital |
Prime de capital |
BS |
Balance |
9000020 |
Share premium |
Rezerve din reevaluare |
BS |
Balance |
9000030 |
Revaluation reserve |
Rezultatul reportat |
BS |
Balance |
9000040 |
Retained earnings |
Alte rezerve |
BS |
Balance |
9000050 |
Other reserves |
Alte elemente de capital |
BS |
Balance |
9000060 |
Other capital items |
Total Pasiv |
BP |
Balance |
10000000 |
Total Liabilities and Equity |
Nr. mediu angajati (numai angajati permanenti) |
BP |
Balance |
11000000 |
Average number of employees (only full time employees) |
Rezultat din exploatare |
IP |
Income |
1000000 |
Operating Result |
Venituri din exploatare |
IP |
Income |
2000000 |
Operating Income |
Cifra de afaceri |
IS |
Income |
2000010 |
Turnover |
Productia capitalizata |
IS |
Income |
2000020 |
Own work capitalised |
Variatia stocurilor |
IS |
Income |
2000030 |
Inventory variation |
Alte venituri din exploatare |
IS |
Income |
2000040 |
Other operating income |
Cheltuieli de exploatare |
IP |
Income |
3000000 |
Operating Expenses |
Costul marfurilor vandute |
IS |
Income |
3000010 |
Cost of goods sold |
Cheltuieli cu materiile prime si consumabilele |
IS |
Income |
3000020 |
Raw materials and consumables |
Amortizare si depreciere |
IS |
Income |
3000030 |
Amortization and depreciation |
Cheltuieli cu personalul |
IS |
Income |
3000040 |
Personnel expenses |
Alte cheltuieli de exploatare |
IS |
Income |
3000050 |
Other operating expenses |
Rezultat financiar |
IP |
Income |
4000000 |
Financial Result |
Venituri din dobanzi |
IS |
Income |
4000010 |
Interest income |
Cheltuieli cu dobanzile |
IS |
Income |
4000020 |
Interest expenses |
Alte venituri si cheltuieli financiare - net |
IS |
Income |
4000030 |
Other net financial income and expenses |
Rezultatul extraordinar - net |
IP |
Income |
5000000 |
Net extraordinary result |
Rezultatul brut |
IP |
Income |
6000000 |
Profit before tax |
Total Venituri |
IS |
Income |
6000010 |
Total Income |
Total Cheltuieli |
IS |
Income |
6000020 |
Total Expenses |
Impozit pe profit |
IP |
Income |
7000000 |
Income tax |
Alte impozite |
IP |
Income |
8000000 |
Other taxes |
Rezultatul net |
IP |
Income |
9000000 |
Net Result |