Tranzactioneaza FORT S.A. (4RT) - 48 RON (%) Tranzactioneaza

Indicator 12/31/23 Gi_cr Gi_ord1 Gi_ord2 Indicator:en
Active imobilizate 7.47 BP Balance 1000000 Non-current assets
Imobilizari necorporale 6.42 BS Balance 1000010 Intangible assets
Imobilizari corporale 0.68 BS Balance 1000020 Tangible fixed assets
Imobilizari financiare 0.37 BS Balance 1000030 Financial fixed assets
Active circulante 22.31 BP Balance 2000000 Current Assets
Stocuri 0.53 BS Balance 2000010 Inventories
Creante 11.74 BS Balance 2000020 Receivables
Cheltuieli inregistrate in avans 2.22 BS Balance 2000030 Prepayments
Investitii financiare pe termen scurt 0 BS Balance 2000040 Short-term financial investments
Casa si conturi la banci 7.83 BS Balance 2000050 Cash and cash equivalents
Alte active circulante 0 BS Balance 2000060 Other current assets
Active detinute in vederea vanzarii 0 BP Balance 3000000 Assets held for sale
Total Activ 29.78 BP Balance 4000000 Total Assets
Datorii 12.16 BP Balance 5000000 Liabilities
Datorii pe termen scurt 10.13 BP Balance 6000000 Current liabilities
Datorii comerciale 5.34 BS Balance 6000010 Trade payables
Datorii financiare 0 BS Balance 6000020 Financial liabilities
Alte datorii pe termen scurt 3.42 BS Balance 6000030 Other short term liabilities
Provizioane (termen scurt) 0 BS Balance 6000040 Provisions (short-term)
Venituri in avans (termen scurt) 1.36 BS Balance 6000050 Deferred income (short-term)
Datorii pe termen lung 2.03 BP Balance 7000000 Non-current liabilities
Datorii comerciale 0 BS Balance 7000010 Trade payables
Datorii financiare 0 BS Balance 7000020 Financial liabilities
Alte datorii pe termen lung 0.61 BS Balance 7000030 Other long term liabilities
Provizioane (termen lung) 0.13 BS Balance 7000040 Provisions (long-term)
Venituri in avans (termen lung) 1.29 BS Balance 7000050 Deferred income (long-term)
Datorii asociate activelor detinute pentru vanzare 0 BP Balance 8000000 Liabilities associated with assets held for sale
Capitaluri proprii 17.62 BP Balance 9000000 Equity
Capital social 0.21 BS Balance 9000010 Share capital
Prime de capital 9.23 BS Balance 9000020 Share premium
Rezerve din reevaluare 0 BS Balance 9000030 Revaluation reserve
Rezultatul reportat 4.09 BS Balance 9000040 Retained earnings
Alte rezerve 0.1 BS Balance 9000050 Other reserves
Alte elemente de capital 3.99 BS Balance 9000060 Other capital items
Total Pasiv 29.78 BP Balance 10000000 Total Liabilities and Equity
Nr. mediu angajati (numai angajati permanenti) BP Balance 11000000 Average number of employees (only full time employees)
Rezultat din exploatare 4.82 IP Income 1000000 Operating Result
Venituri din exploatare 37.71 IP Income 2000000 Operating Income
Cifra de afaceri 31.15 IS Income 2000010 Turnover
Productia capitalizata 0.41 IS Income 2000020 Own work capitalised
Variatia stocurilor 0 IS Income 2000030 Inventory variation
Alte venituri din exploatare 6.14 IS Income 2000040 Other operating income
Cheltuieli de exploatare 32.88 IP Income 3000000 Operating Expenses
Costul marfurilor vandute 7.39 IS Income 3000010 Cost of goods sold
Cheltuieli cu materiile prime si consumabilele 0.17 IS Income 3000020 Raw materials and consumables
Amortizare si depreciere 0.7 IS Income 3000030 Amortization and depreciation
Cheltuieli cu personalul 15.24 IS Income 3000040 Personnel expenses
Alte cheltuieli de exploatare 9.39 IS Income 3000050 Other operating expenses
Rezultat financiar -0.03 IP Income 4000000 Financial Result
Venituri din dobanzi 0 IS Income 4000010 Interest income
Cheltuieli cu dobanzile 0.02 IS Income 4000020 Interest expenses
Alte venituri si cheltuieli financiare - net -0.02 IS Income 4000030 Other net financial income and expenses
Rezultatul extraordinar - net 0 IP Income 5000000 Net extraordinary result
Rezultatul brut 4.79 IP Income 6000000 Profit before tax
Total Venituri 37.82 IS Income 6000010 Total Income
Total Cheltuieli 33.03 IS Income 6000020 Total Expenses
Impozit pe profit 0.5 IP Income 7000000 Income tax
Alte impozite 0 IP Income 8000000 Other taxes
Rezultatul net 4.29 IP Income 9000000 Net Result
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