Tranzactioneaza ADOBE INC. (US.ADBE) - 495.22 USD (%) Tranzactioneaza
Adobe a depasit asteptarile privind castigurile si veniturile, cu mai multe venituri anuale din Digital Media decat estimasera analistii. Actiunile Adobe au crescut cu 17% dupa ce compania a raportat castiguri de 4.48 USD per actiune, ajustat, fata de 4.39 USD, asteptat, si venituri de 5.31 mld. USD, fata de 5.29 mld. USD preconizate. Veniturile companiei au crescut cu 10% anual. Adobe a ridicat estimarile pentru intregul an, preconizand castiguri ajustate intre 18.00 si 18.20 USD per actiune si venituri totale intre 21.40 - 21.50 mld USD. (Sursa: adobe adbe q2 earnings report 2024)
Pretul actiunile Adobe au scazut cu pana la 11% in sedinta after-hours, dupa ce producatorul de software a emis rezultate solide pentru primul trimestru fiscal, dar a prezentat o perspectiva mai slaba decat se asteptau analistii in ceea ce priveste estimarile veniturilor pentru urmatorul trimestr...
Adobe a inregistrat in trimestrul 2 al anului fiscal 2023 venituri totale in crestere cu 10% fata de aceeasi perioada a anului precedent, si a oferit prognoze pozitive pentru restul anului. De asemenea, compania a introdus noi functii de inteligenta artificiala in software-ul sau de editare video...
Indicele S& P 500 stock market today live updates 2023 ieri la 4,293 de puncte, cea mai mare cotatie din acest an inregistrata la finalul unei sedinte de tranzactionare. Indicele S& P 500 stock market today live updates.html#:~:text=CNBC ,The%20S%26P%20500,month%20to%20date.%20The%20index%20is%20higher%2011.8%25%20year%20to%20date., Small%2Dcap%20stocks2023 cu 12% in acest an (si cu 20% articles de minimele atinse in luna octombrie a anului trecut).
Indicele DJIA 082023 ieri pentru a 3-a zi consecutiv, castigand 168 de puncte (+0.5%). Indicele Nasdaq Composite 082023 ieri 1%.
Pe bursa americana, actiunile Tesla articles ieri pentru a 10-a zi consecutiv. Ieri, avansul a fost de circa 5%, plasand Tesla in topul aprecierilor inregistrate la nivelul indicelui S& P 500.
Tot cu circa 5% s-au aprecieri ieri actiunile Adobe, dupa ce compania 06 082023 ca va introduce subscriptii pentru servicii noi inzestrate cu AI, care vor respecta cerintele de copyright.
Actiunile Warner Bros. Discovery s-au aprecieri ieri cu aproape 7%, dupa ce compania warner bros discovery stock rises for second straight day 2023 ca si-a redus datoria peste asteptarile analistilor. Mare parte din datorie a fost generata de fuziunea dintre Warner Bros. si Discovery, warnermedia discovery complete merger become warner bros discovery 04 082022 in primavara anului trecut. Prioritatile curente ale companiei 082023 reducerea costurilor si a obligatiilor financiare, precum si trecerea pe profit a propriului business de streaming.
Compania producatoare de software, Adobe, a inregistrat in ultimul trimestru venituri in valoare de 4.53 mld. USD (+10% vs. T4 fiscal 2021). Profitul net ajustat al perioadei a fost de de 3.60 USD/actiune (Non-GAAP), cu 0.10 USD/actiune peste estimarile companiei. Rezultatele inregistrate in T4 fiscal (incheiat la 02.12.2022) au fost usor peste previziunile analistilor, compania demonstrand ca nu este afectata in mod semnificativ de contextul economic dificil. Astfel, pe intreg anul fiscal 2022, compania a inregistrat venituri cumulate de 17.6 mld. USD (+12% vs. anul fiscal 2021) si un profit net (Non-GAAP) de 6.45 mld. USD (+7.5% vs. anul fiscal 2021). (Sursa: articles)
  Adobe (US.ADBE) este cu siguranta optimist ca aceste rate mari de crestere vor continua, iar in urmatorii ani, Adobe nu se concentreaza doar pe crearea si conducerea categoriilor, precum si pe oferirea de platforme tehnologice, dar incearca si sa-si extinda baza de clienti. Si aceste aspecte combinate ar putea duce la o crestere ridicata. De asemenea, vad o piata uriasa adresabila pentru diferitele sale segmente. Creative Cloud TAM, de exemplu, este de asteptat sa atinga aproximativ 63 de miliarde in 2024 si, de asemenea, este de asteptat sa creasca intr-un ritm ridicat de la 41 de miliarde in 2023. Segmentul Document Cloud are o piata totala adresabila de 32 de miliarde in 2024, aproximativ 10 miliarde provenind de la lucratorii in domeniul cunoasterii si aproximativ 8 miliarde provenind de la comunicatori. 
  Dupa ce a pierdut aproximativ 50% din valoarea sa, actiunile ar putea fi mai mult sau mai putin evaluate corect in acest moment. Insa Adobe nu este scutita de un impact al recesiunii. Avand in vedere ca o recesiune in 2023 este un scenariu cu probabilitate extrem de mare, Adobe este o actiune de urmarit, desi tinand cont de riscuri, deoarece ratele de crestere sunt incetinite este si dificil de estimat la ce se asteapta de la aceste rate.
  Here are five stocks picked by some of Wall Streetâs top pros, according to TipRanks, which ranks the best-performing analysts. 
-   KLA Corporation (US.KLAC)
-   Broadcom (US.AVGOF)
-   Adobe  (US.ADBE)
-   Suncor (US.SU)
-   Imperial Oil
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Venture capitalist Kevin OâLeary believes trying to give the market time is futile. âI canât do it at market time. I canât. Iâve tried many times, but you canât,â OâLeary, chairman of OâLeary Ventures, told CNBCâs Squawk Box Asia on Thursday. I like owning companies that I think are sustainable. âThe companies I want to own are not going to be empty. Modern (US.MRNA) is not going to be zero, Pfizer (US.PFE) is not going to be zero and Nestle is not going to be zero. They have businesses that are very sustainable, âsaid OâLeary. Moderna and Pfizer are both pharmaceutical firms â a sector that often has significant cash flows and fixed dividends and, as such, is seen as more resilient during recessions. 
On Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration approved Pfizerâs three-dose vaccine for children aged 6 months to 4 years and the modern two-dose vaccine for children aged 6 months to 5 years. When the healthcare sector is around 20%, investors like consumer products like Nestle because they are less affected by the economic cycle and enjoy relatively stable earnings growth and dividend payments. âI own companies with strong balance sheets that make money. Now their stock prices are rising based on human perception and what should be the ratio of earnings to price. 
Even healthcare has not survived the recession But the companies are strong, âhe said. In addition to their strong balance sheets, OâLeary also favors these companies for their good cash flow â a portion of which is distributed to investors as dividends. Three stocks are in the red this year, but Nestl. And Pfizer continues to pay dividends. Nestleâs dividend is 2.6%, while Pfizerâs 3.4% ৷ Moderna does not currently pay a dividend. âNo more than 20% in any one sector.â But OâLeary is not bothered by short-term price reductions. In fact, he is doubling down on the names he believes in. What I do is I try and find re-entry points because I always try to raise capital. If I believe in the companyâs story, Iâll put more money into the correction, âhe said. OâLeary said he recently bought undisclosed shares in Walt Disney (US.DIS), Adobe (US.ADBE) and DocuSign (US.DOCU). Unsurprisingly, they will return at some point. He is also wary of how he manages risk in his portfolio. âYou need to diversify,â he said. His golden rule? â No, âhe said, describing it as a strategy that has worked for him for decades.â
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Adobe stock is down 4.4%, to $349 in late trading. In the regular session Thursday, shares fell 3.1%. For the fiscal second quarter ended June 3, Adobe (ticker: ADBE) posted revenue of $4.39 billion, up 14%, or up 15% when adjusted for currency rates, and slightly ahead of its guidance target of $4.34 billion. Adjusted profits were $3.35 a share, a nickel above the companyâs forecast. Under generally accepted accounting principles, the company earned $2.49 a share. Adobe said it repurchased 1.9 million shares in the quarter. 
For the full year, Adobe now sees revenue of $17.65 billion, down from a previous forecast of $17.90 billion, with non-GAAP profits of $13.50 a share, down from $13.70 previously. The company said its outlook was muted by multiple factors, including higher effective tax rates tied to lower-than-expected tax benefits related to stock-based compensation, the impact of the war in Ukraine, including Adobeâs decision to stop all new sales in Russia and Belarus, and an anticipated $175 million drag from negative exchange rates spread across the last two quarters of the fiscal year.
Adobe a raportat, la T2 2022, un profit net per actiune (non-GAAP) de 3.35 USD, cu 0.04 USD/actiune peste asteptarile analistilor. Veniturile au totalizat 4.39 mld. USD (+14% vs. T2 2021), peste asteptari cu 40 mil. USD. Pentru urmatorul trimestru, Adobe anticipeaza un venit de 4.43 mld. USD, in scadere fata de consensul analistilor de 4.51 mld. USD, iar profitul net per actiune este anticipat a fi la 3.33 USD/actiune, mai putin decat valoarea de 3.40 USD/actiune anticipata de analisti. Pentru intregul an fiscal 2023, Adobe anticipeaza venituri de 17.65 mld. USD (vs. 17.9 mld. USD, estimari anterioare), in timp ce profitul net per actiune este previzionat la 13.5 USD/actiune (vs. 13.7 USD/actiune, estimarea anterioara). Cotatia actiunilor Adobe a scazut cu aproape 5% in sedinta de tranzactionare extinsa. (Sursa:
Wall Streetâs pros are highlighting the companies they believe have long-term potential, according to Tipranks, which tracks the best-performing analysts. Here are five names to follow this week: Riot Blockchain (US.RIOT), Cloudflare (US.NET), Nike (US.NKE), Adobe (US.ADBE), Nvidia (US.NVDA).