Tranzactioneaza Archer Aviation Inc (US.ACHR) - 3.08 USD (%) Tranzactioneaza


LPO (US.ACHR) Parteneriat cu Stellantis

Archer Aviation a incheiat un acord cu Stellantis pentru a acoperi pana la 370 mil. USD in costuri cu angajatii, facilitand astfel cresterea productiei aeronavei sale „Midnight”. Aceasta finantare, combinata cu capitalul recent obtinut, va permite Archer sa ajunga la o productie anuala de 650 de unitati. De asemenea, compania a anuntat intentia de a lansa o retea de mobilitate aeriana in Los Angeles pana in 2026.. (Sursa: air taxi maker archer plans launch air mobility network la early 20 08 0826.2024)

Cramer’s lightning round: I like Bank of America

Bank of America Corp (US.BAC): “It’s one of these companies that is not expensive with very good management that I want to own.”&nbsp

Alcoa Corp (US.AA): “This thing is up in a straight line. ... That’s an unusual parabolic move for that company.”

AGNC Investment Corp (US.AGNC): “I’m saying no to that.”

Archer Aviation Inc (US.ACHR): “I’m not going to go there. ... Losing money is what I think that company’s going to do in spades before it has any hope.”

cramers lightning round i like bank of america 2022