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Ryanair: rezervari record la inceput de an

In trimestrul 4 al anului trecut, Ryanair ryanair posts record after tax profit christmas quarter 01 302023 un profit post-taxare record, de 211 mil. EUR, peste asteptarile companiei si de 2x mai mare decat precedentul record, de 106 mil. EUR, inregistrat in perioada similara din 2017. Compania ryanair posts record after tax profit christmas quarter 01 302023 peste 38 de milioane de pasageri in trimestrul 4 al anului trecut, un numar record.

Pentru anul fiscal curent, care se incheie la 31 martie, Ryanair ryanair posts record after tax profit christmas quarter 01 302023 la un profit post-taxare cuprins intre 1.32 si 1.42 mld. EUR, pe seama unui numar total record de 168 de milioane de pasageri transportati. Compania ryanair posts record after tax profit christmas quarter 01 302023 ca numarul de pasageri transportati sa creasca la un nou record, de 185 de milioane, in anul fiscal urmator.

Pentru sarbatorile pascale din aceasta primavara si pentru aceasta vara, Ryanair ryanair posts record after tax profit christmas quarter 01 302023 un numar "foarte robust" de rezervari, replicand indicii similare ryanair posts record after tax profit christmas quarter 01 302023 saptamana trecuta de rivali europeni precum Wizz Air si easyJet. Ryanair ryanair posts record after tax profit christmas quarter 01 302023 un numar record de rezervari la mijlocul acestei luni, fara sa fie nevoie de aplicarea unor discounturi.

Ryanair este cel mai mare transportator aerian din Europa (dupa numarul de pasageri).


Acţiunile Wizz Air s-au înjumătăţit la Londra în 2022

Operatorul low cost Wizz Air, listat pe Bursa de valori din Londra, înregistrează o scădere de peste 50% de la începutul anului încoace, conform datelor Yahoo Finance.

Dinamica acţiunilor Wizz Air vine în contextul în care industria aviatică din Europa a fost puternic afectată de grevele declanşate în mai multe ţări ale continentului.


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Airports Around the World Battle Long Lines, Canceled Flights

Delays, cancellations, long lines and lost baggage are plaguing air travel world-wide, as airlines and airports struggle with soaring summer demand and staff shortfalls.

The airports are struggling, like the rest of the industry, with chronic staff shortages.

United Airlines Holdings Inc. (US.UAL) said it recorded a 7.6% increase in searches for trips from the U.S. to international destinations in the three days after the end to the testing requirement, compared with the previous week.

“The industry created an expectation for a more gradual, much slower ramp-up in demand than what’s actually happening,” said József Váradi, chief executive of Wizz Air, (UK.WIZZ) one of Europe’s biggest discount carriers.

Airlines are taking unusual steps to mitigate the impact. European discounter easyJet PLC (UK.EZJ)&nbsp has removed a row of seats from 58 of its smallest Airbus (DE.AIR) A319 aircraft so it can fly those jets with fewer crew members, without going above mandated crew-to-seat ratios.
