Tranzactioneaza Anglo American Plc (UK.AAL) - 22.98 GBP (%) Tranzactioneaza
Tranzactia bhp group makes 39 billion bid for anglo american in mining mega play 2024 deocamdata la 31 mld. GBP (aproximativ 39 mld. USD) readuce pe radar importanta cuprului pentru noua economie, subiect despre care am in TradeTalk la final de martie. In plus, ar bhp group makes 388 bln play anglo american copper focus 04 252024 cel mai prolific producator de cupru la nivel global, asigurand circa 10% din oferta globala.
Pana la anuntul de azi, Anglo American deals aproape 1/2 din capitalizare din aprilie 2022 incoace, inclusiv pe seama unei anglo american full year profit plunges by 02 2294.2024 de 94% a profitului net inregistrat anul trecut.
The NuGen project at the Mogalakwena mine, owned by Anglo American subsidiary Anglo American Platinum Ltd., will use power from a 140 megawatt solar plant to supply hydrogen electrolyzers to split water and provide the trucks, which can carry up 315 tons of ore each, with hydrogen fuel. Engie SA has helped Anglo establish the system. 
The project, expected to be fully implemented by 2026, is a first step in making eight of the companyâs mines carbon neutral by 2030, according to Julian Soles, head of Technology Development, Mining & Sustainability at Anglo American. The company, which mines metals around the world ranging from iron ore and platinum to copper, has set a target of getting all of its operations to that status by 2040.
Global mining giant Anglo American Plc on Friday announced the sale of its remaining shareholding in Thungela Resources, completing its exit from the South African coal business. Under pressure from investors to exit coal businesses worldwide, the owner of gold, platinum and diamond mining companies, Anglo American hived off its entire stake in its South African coal mines into Thungela and distributed most of the shares to its shareholders through an initial public offering in June, barring 8%.