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Rusia russia halts participation black sea grain deal kremlin says 07 172023 ca se retrage din black sea grain initiative de export al cerealelor ucrainene pe rutele maritime din Marea Neagra. Decizia 07 172023 afecta cumparatori importanti de cereale la nivel global precum China, Spania si Egipt.
Aranjamentul intermediat de ONU si Turcia in iulie anul trecut 07 172023 transportul a circa 33 milioane de tone de cereale pe Marea Neagra.
(1) Preturile fertilizantilor 01 062023 in America de Nord la cele mai mici valori din ultimele 19 luni, dupa ce au atins maxime record anul trecut.
(2) Preturile alimentelor 01 062023 in decembrie pentru a 9-a luna consecutiv, asa incat indicele ONU pentru acesta categorie de marfuri a incheiat 2022 la o valoare aproape similara celei cu care a inceput anul. Totusi, preturile raman semnificativ mai ridicate decat media ultimului deceniu.
(3) Inovatia in echipamentele destinate fermierilor ces technology trade show adopts social theme 01 072023 printre temele principale la www.ces , cel mai important eveniment global de tehnologie.
ProducÈia de porumb a Uniunii Europene (UE) pentru anul de comercializare 2022/23 ar putea fi de numai 56,2 milioane de tone, cu 2,6 milioane (4%) mai micÄ faÈÄ de estimÄrile USDA de luna trecutÄ, cu 14,8 milioane de tone (21 %) mai micÄ decât recolta anului trecut Èi cu 15% sub media ultimilor cinci ani, indicÄ ultima prognozÄ a Departamentului pentru AgriculturÄ al SUA (USDA). 
Este cea mai micÄ producÈie a ultimilor 15 ani, iar România Èi FranÈa au contribuit cel mai mult la aceastÄ scÄdere. Luna aceasta, USDA a revizuit în minus producÈia de porumb a României cu 700.000 de tone, pe cea a Bulgariei cu 600.000 de tone Èi pe cea a Ungariei cu alte 600.000 de tone. 
Raportat la anul trecut, vorbim despre o scÄdere a producÈiei locale cu 4,7%, cea mai mare din UE, în coondiÈiile în care doar FranÈa a mai fost aÈa de rÄu afectatÄ (minus 4%). Din datele Ministerului de resort, au fost afectate de secetÄ 363.739 de hecatre de porumb, adicÄ 14,7% din cele 2,46 de milioane cultivate.
cea mai mica productie de porumb in ultimii 15 ani in ue romania este cea mai afectata 74 6196
Less than half of that harvest is likely to be exported, they added, depriving the world of over 8% of all cereal exports and threatening to further stoke food prices and exacerbate shortages. Earlier this month, Ukrainian farmer Dmitry Skorniakov dispatched 5,500 tons of corn from a silo north of Kyiv to the port of Reni on the Danube. 
In late April, the first large cargo of Ukrainian grain to leave Constanta was celebrated as a sign of hope for exports. But that 71,000 tons of corn took 36 trains, each pulling 28 wagons, and 16 barges to fill it in more than a month when it would normally take two to three weeks, said Dan Dolghin, the director of grain operations at Comvex SA, the terminal operator that handled that first shipment. 
Much of Ukraineâs grain is now being sent by train across the border to Polandâs Baltic ports. The average current waiting time of grain wagons at European Union borders is 16 days, with some waiting there for up to 30 days, according to EU data. Trucks can wait over 12 hours, the EU said.The company said the industry moved grain through rail and trucks at a rate of 100,000 to 150,000 tons in March and 1 million tons in April. Before the war, that was about 5 million to 6 million tons a month, mostly by sea.
Global food prices in April were 30% higher than a year earlier, according to an index published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Meat prices were up 17%, prices for cereals such as wheat and maize were up 34% and vegetable oil prices were 46% higher. 
On Monday, Malaysiaâs government said it would halt the export of 3.6 million chickens a month starting on June 1, citing tight supplies and high prices. Most countries say the curbs are temporary, lasting on average for a few months or until the end of the year. Indonesia said Thursday it would lift a ban on palm-oil exports this week, while others such as Argentina, Moldova and Hungary have already lifted restrictions on exports of some products they put in place earlier in the year.
Wheat, corn, soybean, rapeseed and palm oil prices have rallied since Russia invaded Ukraine, with wheat and corn prices up around 60% and 30%, respectively, since the beginning of 2022. Moreover, unlike some energy commodities like oil, demand destruction from high prices is less likely to be an issueâparticularly in low- and mid-income countries that account for the bulk of global food demand. Before the war, the world had come to rely on cheap and abundant wheat supplies from Russia and Ukraine in particular. 
The two nations combined account for 29% of global wheat exports, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Ukraine alone was responsible for 15% of barley, 50% of sunflower oil and 14% of corn and rapeseed in global trade, based on five-year averages, according to data from Thomas Elder. With food inflation burning a hole in consumer pockets, especially ones in lower-income households, governments are getting anxious to hoard what they have. For investors burned by the volatile stock and currency markets, agriculture commodities could help fill the holeâbarring an unexpected resolution to the turmoil roiling Ukraine.
Global wheat production is likely to fall for the first time in four years, according to a closely watched US government forecast of the upcoming crop season, confirming fears of a further tightening of supply and rising food inflation (NL.ISAE). Wheat prices rose after the US Department of Agriculture issued its first world estimates for the 2022-23 crop season on Thursday. Futures for the new crop for September delivery traded in Chicago rallied as high as $12 a bushel, up 8 per cent on the week, before easing slightly. Euronext wheat futures traded at a two-month high of â¬411.50 a tonne.
Valoarea investitiilor noi si a proiectelor de construire de facilitati bio si zootehnice din primele patru luni ale acestui an se ridica la 300 de milioane de euro, in crestere cu 75% fata de anul trecut, potrivit unui studiu IBC Focus. Aproximativ 400 de proiecte, majoritatea investitii in sere si solarii, sunt in diferite etape de executie. 
De asemenea, din analiza proiectelor de constructii anuntate in primele patru luni ale anului 2022 in acest domeniu reiese ca 56% dintre proiectele noi sunt proiecte zootehnice, iar 44% sunt agrotehnice. Comparativ cu anul trecut, investitiile anuntate in construirea de silozuri depozitare cereale au crescut exponential, iar per total, valoarea investitiilor este cu 75% mai mare fata de primele patru luni ale lui 2020.
The price of soybeans, which are fed to cows, chicken and salmon and crushed into oils, has gained 26% so far this year. U.S. food prices in March were up 8.8% from a year earlier, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A United Nations group said global food prices hit a new high last month, and the World Bank said it expects war in Europe to boost food prices about 23% this year, after a 31% climb in 2021 when snarled supply chains and bad weather jolted agricultural commodity markets. 
Drought is a worry in North America, too, because of the La Niña weather pattern. But currently it is cold, wet weather that is delaying planting in the Midwest. Just 7% of this yearâs corn was planted by the start of the week, compared with 16% a year ago.
Porumbul este doar una dintre cateva marfuri agricole care au inregistrat o crestere a preturilor in ultimele saptamani, in parte din cauza razboiului din Ucraina. Ucraina este un exportator major de grau si alte articole, cum ar fi uleiul de floarea soarelui, in timp ce Rusia este un producator cheie de grau si multe dintre substantele chimice utilizate in ingrasaminte.
Cresterea preturilor porumbului si ale altor marfuri alimentare contribuie la cea mai mare rata a inflatiei inregistrata de SUA din anii 1980, ceea ce a determinat Rezerva Federala sa inceapa sa majoreze ratele dobanzilor. Unii economisti si strategii de pe Wall Street sunt ingrijorati de faptul ca, in incercarea de a incetini inflatia, banca centrala ar putea impinge tara intr-o recesiune.
corn rallies further decade high 51403 0526
rising fertilizer costs catching rice 00406 1601
price of corn hits 9 year high commodities food inflation 2022
The worldâs biggest nitrogen fertilizer company said in a statement the delays will affect shipments from its complexes in Louisiana and Iowa on Union Pacific rail lines to key farm areas from Iowa to California.
The war has wreaked havoc on supply chains in the crucial Black Sea breadbasket region, upending global trade flows and fueling panic about shortages of key staples such as wheat and cooking oils. Thatâs sent food prices -- which were already surging before the conflict started -- to a record, with a United Nationsâ index of world costs soaring another 13% last month.
Russia also exported 11% of the worldâs urea, and 48% of the ammonium nitrate. Russia and Ukraine together export 28% of fertilizers made from nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as potassium, according to Morgan Stanley. Disruptions of those shipments due to sanctions and war has sent fertilizer prices skyrocketing. High grain prices are rising even more.
a fertilizer shortage worsened by war in ukraine is driving up global food prices and scarcity 2022
âA full recovery of exports will only take place after the Black Sea ports are unblocked,â the Kyiv-based analyst said. âThe grain export potential under the current conditions is limited to 1 million tons per month,â fivefold lower than normal. 
Wheat futures on Tuesday rose 2.9% to $10.3925 a bushel. That puts prices up almost 6% so far this week. Corn increased 0.9% after a 2.1% gain on Monday, buoyed by the U.S. government reporting an export sale to China of more than 1 million tons.
In a world where people are worrying more than ever about food shortages and rising inflation, Indiaâs warehouses are brimming over with grain and the countryâs farmers are gearing up for yet another record harvest. The country is the top global producer of wheat after China and has the potential to ship 12 million tons to the world market in the 2022-23 year, the most on record, according to the median of five estimates in a Bloomberg survey of traders, millers and analysts. That compares with shipments of 8.5 million tons in 2021-22, U.S. Department of Agriculture data show.
Governments are risking a repeat of mistakes in previous food crises by imposing export controls amid spiralling commodity and energy prices, the head of the World Trade Organization has said. In an interview with the Financial Times, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who became WTO director-general a year ago, also urged countries to accept a contentious deal over patent waivers for Covid-19 vaccines and said the global supply chain crunch would last much longer than previously thought.
Russiaâs invasion of Ukraine, its economic isolation, and the closure of Black Sea ports used to ship goods have created difficult conditions across the world in ways that many have yet to understand. Russia is one of the worldâs largest energy producers, and disruptions in the oil market have attracted intense attention. But less visibly, Russia is also a major producer of nitrogen and other chemicals that are critical to the worldâs agricultural crops.
Wheat futures tumbled as much as 10%, the most since 2008, following disappointing U.S. export sales even as a quarter of the grainâs global trade is at risk due to Russiaâs invasion of Ukraine. Wheat sales to other countries were unchanged last week from the prior one, below the average Bloomberg survey estimate., the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Thursday.
Egypt, the biggest buyer of wheat, is trying to lessen the blow from unrelenting price increases by boosting stockpiles and blaming greedy traders, while TV anchors are lecturing households to be more frugal. The most-populous Arab nation imports the majority of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine, using it as the cornerstone of a bread-subsidy program for millions of people. The grain is more expensive now than in 2008, when the world saw food riots and demonstrations, and Egypt needs to get ahead of any similar discontent since about half of its people live near or below the World Bankâs poverty line.
Wheat extended losses after a key U.S. report showed the worldâs stockpiles are on the rise, thanks to a bigger Australian crop that could help cushion the impact of the war in Ukraine. The U.S. Department of Agriculture raised its world wheat stockpile estimate for the end of the 2021-22 season to 281.5 million tons from 278.2 million the prior month. Australia will reap a record harvest this season, and robust exports out of India will continue due to ample reserves and high global prices.
Potrivit informatiilor publicate in ZF, dupa ce vineri, 4 martie, graul a ajuns la pragul de 400 euro/tona, ieri a ajuns in jurul pranzului la 450 euro/tona, iar apoi s-a temperat, la finalul zilei. Bursa EuroNext de la Paris inchizandu-se cu graul la pretul de 422,5 euro/tona, in crestere cu 7,3% fata de nivelul cu care s-a inchis vineri (392 euro/tona).
Commodities extended their massive rally as Russiaâs invasion of Ukraine continues to roil global markets and fuel fears of supply crunches. Wheat soared to the highest level since 2008 on deepening fears of a global shortage as the Ukraine war cuts off about a quarter of the worldâs exports of the staple used in everything from bread to cookies and noodles. Futures jumped by the exchange limit in Chicago, rising 6.6% to $12.09 a bushel. Aluminum, one of the most energy-thirsty metals, rose as much as 3.6% to $3,850 a ton on the London Metal Exchange, a fresh record.
Prices are heading for a record weekly gain of about 40%, spiking since Russia invaded Ukraine and the U.S. and Europe imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia. The war has closed major ports in Ukraine, and severed logistics and transport links. The fighting also threatens planting of crops in coming months. Corn futures are up 17% this week, and heading for the biggest weekly gain since 2008.
03 04 wheat spikes to fresh 14 year high on deepening supply fears2022