Tranzactioneaza Heineken Nv (NL.HEIA) - 81.48 EUR (%) Tranzactioneaza
Actiunile Heineken s-au prabusit, luni, cu 8% in urma unui raport dezamagitor privind profitul din prima jumatate a anului, care a ratat asteptarile de crestere si a dezvaluit o pierdere neta de 95 mil. EUR din cauza unei deprecieri semnificative a investitiei sale in CR Beer din China. Vanzarile de bere ale gigantului olandez au crescut cu doar 2.1%, sub previziunile de 3.4%, iar profitul sau operational a crescut cu 12.5%, sub previziunile de 13.2%. Cresterea profitului in Europa a fost deosebit de slaba, de doar 0.2%, cu mult sub nivelul asteptat de 15.1%, din cauza cresterii cheltuielilor promotionale pe o piata concurentiala. In ciuda acestor esecuri, CEO-ul Dolf van den Brink a evidentiat o crestere solida a volumului si o performanta puternica a produselor premium, precum si o crestere semnificativa in categoria berilor cu continut scazut si fara alcool, Heineken 0.0 inregistrand o crestere de 14%. (Sursa: heineken shares fall 7percent after first half profit miss 2024)
Heineken, al doilea cel mai mare producator mondial de bere, a raportat un  profit operational de 4.5 mld. EUR (+24% vs. 2021) c,  peste prognozele medii ale analistilor de 4.43 mld. EUR.Totodata,  volumul vanzarilor la nivel global a crescut cu 6.9% vs 2021. De asemenea, Heineken a declarat ca se asteapta ca anul acesta sa depaseasca obiectivul de reducere a costurilor prin implementarea strategiei âEver Greenâ, cu scopul de a creste profiturile. (Sursa: heineken profit higher than expected after asia recovery 2023 02 152022)
Heineken said it was benefiting from hedging positions taken in 2021 but faced rising costs, supply chain challenges and pressure from its decision to leave Russia. For all that, however, the company maintained its guidance of "stable to modest" improvement to its operating profit margin in 2022. 
Heineken had said in February that spiralling inflation could lead to lower beer consumption, casting doubt on its plan to raise its operating margin to 17% in 2023. The Dutch brewer said then that input costs would rise by a mid-teens percentage rate, with barley double its price of a year ago and aluminium up by about 50%. Energy and freight costs have also risen sharply.
Heineken and Carlsberg announced plans to offload their operations in Russia on Monday and take âsubstantialâ hits to their businesses, as the international brewers became the latest consumer companies to bow to pressure to exit the country following the invasion of Ukraine. Dutch group Heineken said it would transfer its business to a new owner in a move that would cost it â¬400mn in a non-cash impairment charge. Hours later, Danish rival Carlsberg announced it would âseek a full disposalâ of its operations in Russia, saying it would also face a âsubstantialâ charge.
Directorul executiv al Heineken (NL.HEIA) a avertizat cÄ inflaÈia costurilor va determina creÈterea preÈul unei halbe, acest lucru fiind pus pe seama creÈterii costurilor cu materiile prime.