Tranzactioneaza Vestas Wind Systems (DE.VWSB) - 19.6825 EUR (%) Tranzactioneaza
Spanish energy firm Iberdrola (ES.IBE) has jointly established a company that will recycle components used in renewable energy installations, including wind turbine blades. In a statement last week Iberdrola said the company, known as EnergyLOOP, would develop a blade recycling facility in Navarre, northern Spain. A few months earlier, in June 2021, Denmarkâs Orsted (DE.D2G) said it would âreuse, recycle, or recoverâ all turbine blades in its worldwide portfolio of wind farms once theyâre decommissioned. That June also saw General Electricâs renewables unit and cement manufacturer Holcim strike a deal to explore the recycling of wind turbine blades. In Jan. 2020 another wind energy giant, Vestas (DE.VWSB), said it was aiming to produce âzero-wasteâ turbines by the year 2040.
iberdrola sets up firm focused on recycling wind turbine blades 2022
Razboiul a determinat, pentru scurt timp, scaderi ale actiunilor europene, dar acestea s-au redresat rapid cand investitorii au alocat bani in sectoare precum energia si apararea.
Actiunile companiei germane de aparare  Rheinmetall (DE.RHM)  valoreaza de doua ori mai mult decat inainte de conflict, in timp ce actiunile producatorului de turbine eoliene Vestas Wind Systems (DE.VWSB) au crescut cu aproximativ 40% pana in prezent. Actiunile americane sunt mai ieftine cu 34% comparativ cu cele europene.
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