Tranzactioneaza Volkswagen Ag Vzo (DE.VOW3) - 94.08 EUR (%) Tranzactioneaza
(1) In trimestrul incheiat pe 30 iunie (primul din anul fiscal 2024), Toyota aproape ca toyota posts 94 jump q1 operating profit 08 012023 profitul operational (fata de aceeasi perioada din 2022). Totusi, producatorul nipon avertizeaza ca piata chineza a devenit incredibil de competitiva. Pe bursa nipona, Toyota a incheiat azi la un nou maxim record.
(2) Lamborghini, care este detinuta de Volkswagen, lamborghini could hit 0 sales this year ceo says 2023 07 311000 ca ar putea sa vanda 10,000 de autovehicule anul acesta pentru prima oara in istoria companiei. In primul semestru, compania a inregistrat cresteri de venituri si profituri, reusind sa livreze 1,625 de autovehicule in SUA, cea mai importanta piata globala.
In primul trimestru din 2023, Volkswagen volkswagen group makes solid start to fiscal year 2023 venituri totale de 76 mld. EUR, in crestere cu 22% vs perioada similara din 2022.
Profitul operational volkswagen group makes solid start to fiscal year 2023 5.7 mld. EUR, in scadere cu 31% vs perioada similara din 2022. Totusi, excluzand costul protectiei contra volatilitatii cotatiilor marfurilor, profitul operational volkswagen group makes solid start to fiscal year 2023 7.1 mld. EUR, in crestere cu 35% vs perioada similara din 2022.
CFO Arno Antlitz, ieri pentru CNBC: volkswagen q1 earnings .html#:~:text=and%20North%20America. ,%E2%80%9CWe%20had%20indeed%20a%20really%20encouraging%20start%20into%20the%20year%20 ,confident%20that%20we%20will%20achieve%20all%20our%20financial%20targets%20for%20 .%E2%80%9D, Shares%20of%20Volkswagen2023 intr-adevar un start incurajator de an, in care atat veniturile, cat si profitabilitatea s-au imbunatatit considerabil.
In primul trimestru din 2023, Tesla teslas california market share tumbles despite aggressive price cuts 04 222023 o cota de piata de 59.6% in statul american California, in scadere fata de 72.7% in intregul an 2022 si cea mai modesta dupa 2017. Tot in primul trimestru din 2023, Volkswagen, General Motors si Kia (detinuta de Hyundai) teslas california market share tumbles despite aggressive price cuts 04 222023 sa-si majoreze cotele de piata, desi procentele au ramas formate dintr-o singura cifra. 
In 2022, vanzarile auto din California teslas california market share tumbles despite aggressive price cuts 04 222023 16% din livrarile totale pe care Tesla le-a inregistrat la nivel global. 
Saptamana trecuta, cu ocazia publicarii celor mai recente rezultate trimestriale, Elon Musk tesla reports quarterly margin below estimates 04 192023 ca Tesla va prioritiza cresterea vanzarilor in defavoarea marjelor de profit. 
Potrivit unui nou sondaj Reuters/Ipsos, 34% din americani one third americans would consider ev purchase reutersipsos poll 03 212023 pentru un model auto electric la urmatoarea lor achizitie.
In SUA, one third americans would consider ev purchase reutersipsos poll 03 212023 comercializate in prezent peste 80 de modele auto electrice, acest segment reprezentand anul trecut circa 6% din piata totala. Tot anul trecut, incasarile generate de vanzarea autovehiculelor electrice au crescut cu peste 60% (vs anul precedent). Administratia Biden one third americans would consider ev purchase reutersipsos poll 03 212023 ca 50% din noile autovehicule vandute sa fie integral electrice sau hibride plug-in pana in 2030.
Potrivit aceluiasi sondaj, 56% din americani one third americans would consider ev purchase reutersipsos poll 03 212023 sa plateasca sub 50,000 USD pentru un autovehicul electric.
Grupul Audi, parte a grupului auto Volkswagen, a anuntat ca va oferi modele cu preturi mai reduse catre clienti, dupa ce penuria de componente semiconductoare s-a mai atenuat. Audi previzioneaza ca va realiza venituri cuprinse intre 69 - 72 mld. EUR, in crestere fata de cifra de afaceri de 61.8 mld. EUR din 2022. In anul 2022, cifra de afaceri a grupului Audi a reprezentat 22.1% din cifra de afaceri a grupului Volkswagen. Audi produce ultimele modele de masini cu motoare cu combustie interna, vizand sa aduca doar EV-uri in piata, incepand cu anul 2026. In anul 2033, Audi anticipeaza vanzarea ultimului model de automobil cu motor clasic. (Sursa: audi bring back lower priced models chip shortages ease after bumper 20 03 1622.2023)
Volkswagen 03 152023 ieri un nou model de autovehicul electric, denumit ID.2all, care va costa mai putin de 25,000 EUR. Noul model va fi lansat in Europa in 2025.
Luni, VW volkswagen build first north american battery cell plant canada 03 132023 ca va construi o fabrica de baterii in Canada, prima de acest gen in afara Europei si marcand cea mai mare investitie de pana acum a producatorului german. Marti, VW volkswagen invest 180 bln euros five year plan 03 142023 ca va investi 180 mld. EUR in urmatorii 5 ani, peste doua treimi din aceasta suma urmand sa fie utilizate pentru dezvoltarea de software si fabricarea autovehiculelor electrice.
Noul ID.2all 03 152023 o autonomie de 450 de kilometri si un design inspirat de modelele traditionale Polo, Golf si Beetle. VW 03 152023 in plan lansarea unui model electric care va costa chiar mai putin, sub 20,000 EUR.
Volkswagen volkswagen invest 180 bln euros five year plan 03 142023 sa investeasca 180 mld. EUR in urmatorii 5 ani pentru o tranzitie accelerata la propulsie electrica. Investitiile anuntate privesc inclusiv productia de baterii si asigurarea materiilor prime, destinate reducerii costurilor de fabricatie a autovehiculelor electrice si mentinerii cotei de piata.
Pentru o distributie optima a autovehiculelor electrice in America de Nord, Volkswagen volkswagen build first north american battery cell plant canada 03 132023 o fabrica de baterii in Canada. Totodata, producatorul auto german isi propune sa lanseze un autovehicul electric de 25,000 EUR pana in 2025.
In 2022, Porsche AG porsche annual press conference financial year 2022 annual and sustainability report 31485 2023 un profit operational record, de 6.8 mld. EUR, marcand o crestere de peste 27% fata de anul precedent, pe seama unor venituri totale record, de 37.6 mld. EUR, marcand o crestere de peste 13% fata de anul precedent. Livrarile reusite porsche annual press conference financial year 2022 annual and sustainability report 31485 2023 record, crescand cu 2.6% fata de anul precedent, la 309,884 de autovehicule.
Pentru 2023, Porsche AG porsche ag sees record earnings sets long term margin goal 03 1320.2023 azi ca vrea sa obtina o marja operationala cuprinsa intre 17% si 19%, comparativ cu 18% anul trecut, pe seama unor venituri totale care s-ar putea ridica la 42 mld. EUR. Pe termen mai lung, producatorul german porsche ag sees record earnings sets long term margin goal 03 1320.2023 o marja operationala chiar mai mare, de 20%.
Tot azi, Porsche AG company2023 ca va propune un dividend in cuantum total de 911 mil. EUR, echivalent cu 1 EUR pe actiune pentru actiunile comune si 1.01 EUR pe actiune pentru actiunile preferentiale.
Porsche AG articles pe bursa din Frankfurt la finalul lunii septembrie a anului trecut, la 82.50 EUR pe actiune, marcand cea mai mare listare locala din ultimii peste 25 de ani. In luna decembrie a anului trecut, Porsche AG porsche stock top 40 ipo inclusa in structura indicelui DAX, care grupeaza cele mai importante 40 de companii listate pe bursa germana.
In aceasta dupa-amiaza, actiunile Porsche AG erau cotate la 110.30 EUR pe actiune. Volkswagen continua sa detina circa 75% din Porsche AG.
(DE.P911) (DE.VOW) (DE.VOW3) (DE.EXS1)
CFO-ul Volkswagen, Arno Antlitz, volkswagen focuses productivity challenging year 03 082023 in presa germana: anul acesta, compania trebuie sa puna accentul pe productivitate, in conditiile in care competitia si productia de autovehicule cresc, consumul ramane sub presiune, iar bresele din distributie continua sa fie reglate.
Saptamana trecuta, Volkswagen volkswagen expects vehicle deliveries sales rise 20 03 0323.2023 ca se asteapta la venituri totale de pana la 331 mld. EUR in acest an, peste volkswagen expects vehicle deliveries sales rise 20 03 0323.2023 analistilor si marcand o crestere de pana la 15% fata de anul precedent. Totodata, livrarile sunt estimate la 9.5 milioane de autovehicule, marcand o crestere de 14% fata de anul precedent.
Tot saptamana trecuta, Volkswagen volkswagen expects vehicle deliveries sales rise 20 03 0323.2023 ca va majora valoarea dividendului anual cu 1.20 EUR pe actiune, peste asteptarile analistilor, la 8.70 EUR pe actiune pentru actiunile comune si 8.76 EUR pe actiune pentru actiunile preferentiale.
In 2023, Volkswagen volkswagen expects vehicle deliveries sales rise 20 03 0323.2023 sa inregistreze vanzari totale de pana la 331 mld. EUR, peste asteptarile analistilor si marcand o crestere de pana la 15% vs anul precedent. Producatorul german crede ca poate livra 9.5 milioane de autovehicule, cifra fiind cu 14% mai mare vs anul precedent.
Volkswagen volkswagen expects vehicle deliveries sales rise 20 03 0323.2023 vineri ca va majora dividendul, cu 1.20 EUR pe actiune, la 8.70 EUR pe actiune pentru actiunile comune si la 8.76 EUR pe actiune pentru actiunile preferentiale, peste asteptarile analistilor.
CFO-ul Volkswagen, Arno Antlitz, intr-un 02 232023 pentru Porsche Consulting Magazin: vrem sa ramanem un jucator puternic in Europa si China, dar ne uitam cu interes catre India, in conditiile cresterii riscurilor geopolitice si ale unor reglementari tot mai restrictive.
In 2022, piata auto din India industry cea mai mare crestere anuala din lume. In prezent, autovehiculele electrice inseamna aici mai putin de 1% din totalul vanzarilor, dar autoritatile locale renault considers making mass market evs india sources 01 062023 sa creasca abrupt procentul la 30% pe parcursul acestui deceniu.
Volkswagen articles ca veniturile totale si profitul operational aferente anului trecut sunt in linia propriilor estimari (279 mld. EUR, mai mari cu 12% vs anul precedent, respectiv 22.5 mld. EUR). In schimb, fluxul de numerar 02 072023 vazut la circa 5 mld. EUR, semnificativ sub targetul anuntat anterior (8.6 mld. EUR), afectat de bresele din circuitele de distributie si dislocarile logistice. In 2022, compania articles 8.3 milioane de autovehicule la nivel global, cu 7% mai putine vs anul precedent.
Volkswagen va publica rezultatele financiare anuale complete pe 14 martie.
Tesla tesla cuts prices electric vehicles us market 01 132023 preturile in SUA si Europa, dupa o actiune similara protesting tesla china buyers vow more pressure over price cuts they missed 01 102023 pentru China si alte piete din Asia de Sud-Est la finalul anului trecut.
In SUA, reducerile de pret pentru Model 3 si Model Y tesla cuts prices electric vehicles us market 01 132023 cuprinse intre 6% si 20%. Decizia ar putea fi motivata de intentia obtinerii unor avantaje fiscale pentru cumparatorii potentiali.
In Europa, Tesla tesla cuts prices in us and europe to stoke sales.html#:~:text=interest%20rates%20increased. ,In%20Europe%2C%20Tesla%20cut%20prices%20on%20its%20Model%203%20and%20Model%20Y%20vehicles%20in%20Austria%2C%20France%2C%20Germany%2C%20the%20Netherlands%2C%20Norway%2C%20Switzerland%20and%20the%20U.K., Reuters%20reported%20that2023 preturile pentru Model 3 si Model Y in Austria, Franta, Germania, Olanda, Norvegia, Elvetia si Regatul Unit. Discountul oferit in Germania pentru Model 3 tesla cuts prices electric vehicles us market 01 132023 de pana la 17%. Pe piata germana, Model 3 132023 cea mai bine vanduta masina electrica luna trecuta, urmat de Model Y (ambele modele depasind ID.4 de la Volkswagen).
Pe bursa americana, Tesla tesla cuts prices electric vehicles us market 01 132023 68% (si 845 mld. USD din valoarea de piata) fata de cel mai recent maxim record atins in noiembrie 2021. Deprecierea suferita fata de momentul finalizarii achizitiei Twitter, in octombrie anul trecut, este de 45% (si 321 mld. USD din valoarea de piata).
Tesla va publica rezultatele financiare trimestriale pe 25 ianuarie, dupa inchiderea sedintei de tranzactionare.
La nivel de grup, Volkswagen volkswagen group sales down 7 despite stronger second half 2023 01 122022 anul trecut 8.3 milioane de autovehicule. Cifra este cea mai mica din ultimul deceniu si marcheaza o scadere anuala de 7%.
Producatorul german volkswagen group sales down 7 despite stronger second half 2023 01 122022, astfel, pe pozitia a 2-a in topul global al vanzarilor auto pentru al 3-lea an consecutiv, in urma Toyota (care, pana in noiembrie, a reusit sa produca peste 9.5 milioane de autovehicule).
Totusi, livrarile realizate de Volkswagen in a doua jumatate a anului trecut volkswagen group sales down 7 despite stronger second half 2023 01 122022 in crestere cu 12% (si cu peste 14% in ultimul trimestru).
In Europa, Volkswagen volkswagen group sales down 7 despite stronger second half 2023 01 122022 pozitia de lider pe segmentul autovehiculelor electrice, notand o crestere anuala de 26% la nivel global (si de 68% in China). In SUA, producatorul german transformation progressing volkswagen group delivers 26 percen 2023 pe pozitia a 4-a in topul vanzarilor pe acelasi segment.
Volkswagen volkswagen group sales down 7 despite stronger second half 2023 01 122022 ca, in acest an, 11% din totalul vanzarilor sa fie reprezentate de modele electrice. Pana in 2030, Volkswagen vrea sa urce acest procent la 50%.
Hyundai Motor Co (DE.HYU) raised earnings guidance on Monday, buoyed by premium vehicle sales and a foreign exchange lift, but disappointing quarterly results and an uncertain U.S. electric vehicle (EV) sales outlook sent its shares down 3%. South Korea's Hyundai and its affiliate Kia Motors, which make the popular Ioniq 5 and EV6 electric cars, had reported a strong EV performance in the United States until July, doubling last year's sales and blowing past Ford Motor Co (US.FM), Volkswagen AG (DE.VOW3) and General Motors Co (US.GM.N).
In a mixed outlook, Hyundai raised on Monday its full-year revenue growth forecast range by six percentage points to 19-20% from its previous estimate in January. Operating profit margin is now estimated at between 6.5-7.5%, up from 5.5-6.5% previously.
hyundai motor q3 net profit drops 3 misses estimates 10 242022
Fully electric and hybrid vehicles in 2022 have almost doubled as a percentage of the Renault (RENA.PA) brand's European sales over the last two years, an executive said ahead of the Paris Motor Show. "In Europe, we will be at 40% this year," Fabrice Cambolive, the brand's chief operating officer, told reporters during a pre-show event organized in Aubervilliers (Seine-St-Denis), adding that the brand is well positioned to managed its planned shift to electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030. In 2021, electrified models accounted for around a quarter of the Renault brand's European sales and around a third in the first half of 2022. 
Overtaken by newcomers like Tesla (US.TSLA) and new Chinese carmakers, or by legacy heavyweights like Volkswagen (DE.VOW3) and Stellantis (US.STLA), Renault has pinned its electric hopes on its new Mégane and two small iconic models - a new Renault 5 and a new Renault 4, a small SUV that is a throwback to its 4L. It will unveil them at the Paris Motor Show.
evs hybrids make up 40 renault brand europe sales exec 10 172022
Volkswagen (DE.VOW3) deliveries were up just over 10% in the third quarter as supply chain troubles eased but still down 12.9% overall this year at just over 6 million vehicles, the carmaker said on Friday. September saw 20.7% growth in deliveries boosted in particular by China, where COVID-19 lockdowns held up production in the first half of the year. 
The carmaker's output reflects a broad recovery across the auto industry in recent months from a first half plagued by supply chain troubles due to the war in Ukraine and shutdowns at Chinese factories because of its coronavirus restrictions.
Volkswagen (DE.VOW3) brands are preparing for stock market listings as a training exercise, CEO Oliver Blume told the Handelsblatt newspaper on Tuesday, without commenting on whether further listings were planned. Its listing of Porsche (DE.P911) last Thursday prompted speculation of further listings as a means of unlocking value in the Volkswagen Group, which executives view as strongly undervalued.
volkswagen brands preparing listing training exercise handelsblatt 10 042022
Volkswagen's (DE.VOW3) battery unit PowerCo has formed a joint venture with Belgium's Umicore (BR.UMI) for the production of precursor and cathode material in Europe, jointly investing 3 billion euros ($2.89 billion), the companies said on Monday. 
Umicore will supply PowerCo's European battery cell factories from 2025 onwards, starting at Volkswagen's Salzgitter factory.
volkswagens powerco umicore form joint venture precursor cathode material 09 262022
Volkswagen will price shares in Porsche at between â¬76.50 and â¬82.50, the German group announced on Sunday, leading to a partial IPO that would put a value on the historic sportscar brand of â¬70bn-â¬75bn, in the middle of the range of analystsâ expectations. The flotation of 12.5 per cent of Porsche, planned for September 29 in Frankfurt, will deliver â¬8.7bn-â¬9.4bn to the marqueâs parent company. VW has said it will use almost half of the proceeds to pay a one-off special dividend, while the remaining funds will be deployed to help the carmaker pay for the transition to battery technology.
Volkswagen no longer sees chip shortages ending in 2023, and the German carmaker is preparing for the "new normal" of supply chain disruptions, Murat Aksel, head of procurement on the Volkswagen board, told German weekly Automobilwoche. (volkswagen does not see chip shortage ending automobilwoche 2022 09 192023). 
Volkswagen is targeting a valuation of up to 75 billion euros ($75.1 billion) for luxury sportscar maker Porsche, it said on Sunday, in what will be Germany's second-largest initial public offering (IPO) in history.
exclusive volkswagen targets 70 75 bln eur valuation planned porsche ipo 09 182022
Porsche's potential stock market listing is central to funding Volkswagen's (DE.VOW3) electrification plans, the carmaker's chief financial officer said on Monday ahead of a board meeting to discuss whether the listing will go ahead. Volkswagen's management and supervisory boards will meet later on Monday to discuss whether the long-anticipated listing of Porsche should take place in late September or early October
porsche ipo plans progressing no decision yet vw cfo 09 052022
Intrarea in F1 a marcilor detinute de Volkswagen (DE.VOW3), Audi si Porsche (DE.PAH3), a fost unul dintre cele mai prost pastrate secrete ale acestui sport in ultimele luni, iar Audi a fost primul care si-a confirmat planurile inaintea GP al Belgiei din acest weekend. Formula 1 intentioneaza sa treaca la masinile care functioneaza cu combustibil sintetic din 2026, ca parte a unui plan de a deveni neutru in carbon pana la sfarsitul deceniului. Schimbarea tehnologiei este o oportunitate unica de a incepe sa concurezi in franciza care a fost dominata de Mercedes (DE.MBG). (audi confirms formula 1 entry from 2026 as sport welcomes volkswagen brand 2022)
Schmall a adaugat ca Canada avea practic toate materiile prime necesare pentru producerea bateriilor, iar un memorandum de intelegere in acest sens urmeaza sa fie semnat cu guvernul canadian.
vw aims take stakes canadian mines mine operators handelsblatt 08 232022
Toyota Motor (US.TM) si Contemporary Amperex Technology, cel mai mare producator de baterii din lume, inchid fabrici in provincia chineza Sichuan (un centru de productie cheie), pe masura ce criza de energie electrica indusa de seceta se agraveaza. 
Producatorul auto japonez va mentine operatiunile suspendate pana pe 20 august. Inchiderile fabricilor se adauga la un numar tot mai mare de industrii, de la panouri solare la topirea aluminiului. Volkswagen AG (DE.VOW3) a declarat luni ca fabrica sa din Chengdu este afectata de lipsa de energie, dar ca se asteapta doar la usoare intarzieri in livrarile catre clienti. Foxconn Technology produce, de asemenea, iPad-uri Apple (US.AAPL) in provincie, dar a spus ca a observat doar un impact limitat al secetei.
Volkswagen (DE.VOW3) CEO Herbert Diess will leave the company at the end of August, the company said Friday. Oliver Blume, currently the CEO of Volkswagen subsidiary Porsche, will succeed Diess as of Sept. 1. The automaker didnât provide a reason for Diessâ departure. Diess joined Volkswagen from BMW in 2015, stepping into the top job in the wake of the Dieselgate scandal. He is credited with leading the company past the scandal into a new era, driving massive investments in electric vehicles with a goal of selling millions of EVs per year by mid-decade.
volkswagen ceo diess to depart porsche boss blume will lead the german auto giant 2022
Livrarile totale catre clientii din intreaga lume au scazut cu 22,4% in trimestrul al doilea, cele din Europa Centrala si de Est, regiune care includea si Rusia, fiind cele mai grav afectate, cu un declin de 49,3%. 
Livrarile de vehicule electrice cu baterie (BEV) au crescut cu putin peste un sfert, pana la 217.100, reprezentand 5,6% din vanzarile totale - sustinute in mare parte de cresterea semnificativa in China. 
Europa, cea mai puternica piata a vehiculelor electrice a Volkswagen, a inregistrat o scadere de 16,5% a vanzarilor la astfel de vehicule in trimestrul al doilea, iar vanzarile s-au dublat in China.
Volkswagen Group (DE.VOW3) saw sales fall by 22.2% in the first half of this year from last year's figures, company data showed on Friday, dragged down by a steep drop in Europe, with battery-electric sales boosted by growth in China. 
Total deliveries to customers worldwide were down 22.4% in the second quarter of the year, with Central and Eastern Europe hardest hit at -49.3%. Western Europe also saw a considerable fall of 25.7%. 
Even as total sales fell, battery-electric vehicle (BEV) deliveries increased by just over a quarter in the first half of the year to 217,100, making up 5.6% of total sales - bolstered largely by significant growth in China.
Volkswagen AGâs newly formed battery business is working to overcome supply-chain headwinds as it ramps up production and prepares for an initial public offering. PowerCo, which bundles the carmakerâs global battery efforts, is trying to secure raw materials amid surging prices and logistics issues, according to the unitâs Chief Financial Officer Kai Alexander Mueller. 
VW plans to partner with Umicore SA to source cathode materials, is exploring working with Robert Bosch GmbH for machinery and agreed to offtake battery-grade lithium hydroxide from miner Vulcan Energy Resources. VWâs flagship battery plant in Salzgitter, Germany, will be able to produce 40 gigawatt-hours of cells per year, enough for roughly 500,000 EVs, according to the company. Salzgitter is home to VWâs main motor factory, and last year the carmaker opened a facility there to research, develop and test EV batteries. 
VW remains open to IPO the battery unit after financing it internally and inviting in strategic partners, VW CFO Arno Antlitz said last month, adding that this process would begin next year. 
PowerCo is meant to bundle VWâs battery-making activities much in the same way as its Cariad unit is attempting to streamline software efforts. It will oversee activities including procurement, raw-materials processing, product development and plant management. The push ties into VWâs efforts to streamline decision-making and make the vast conglomerate leaner and more focused.
Volkswagen AG broke ground on a new battery plant in Germany on Thursday, saying the factory marks the first step in an effort that will generate more than 20 billion euros ($20.4 billion) in annual revenue by the end of the decade. The Salzgitter venture is one of six battery plants VW has planned for Europe. PowerCo, the unit formed to oversee the carmakerâs global battery business, is expected to invest more than 20 billion euros in five of the factories by 2030, creating roughly 20,000 jobs in Europe, according to a statement. 
Roughly 2 billion euros will be invested in the cell factory by 2026, where production is scheduled to begin in 2025. At full capacity, the plant will be able to produce 40 gigawatt-hours of cells per year, enough for roughly 500,000 EVs, according to the company.
Volkswagen's (DE.VOW3) software unit Cariad will be streamlined in efforts to step up the pace of software development, Dirk Hilgenberg, the head of the unit, told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper on Monday, according to Reuters report. 
"The time for unanimous decisions is over, because that's not how we get horsepower on the road," said Hilgenberg, adding: "We have now established processes in which the roles are clearly distributed and Cariad is trimmed for speed." 
Cariad, a core part of Volkswagen's plans to catch up with Tesla in coming years, has been wrestling with difficulties for a while, causing important projects to fall behind schedule and Porsche and Audi models to start up later.
  Volkswagenâs (DE.VOW3) sales in China have fallen from a peak of 4.2 million cars in 2018 to 3.3 million last year. Its premium brands like Porsche and Audi are still doing fine, but the VW marque has been giving up market share.
  Local manufacturers including Li Auto, Nio (US.NIO) and Xpeng are catching up fast, and theyâre all-in on battery-powered cars. When Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait asked Elon Musk about Teslaâs rivalry with Volkswagen last week, the CEO instead pointed to increasingly competitive Chinese EV makers. 
  The top domestic rival looks to be BYD (US.BYD), the Shenzen-based manufacturer backed by Warren Buffettâs Berkshire Hathaway. Itâs on the cusp of entering the trillion-yuan market cap club after handling lockdowns, chip shortages and price increases better than many of its peers. 
  BYD may supply batteries to Tesla (US.TSLA) and is becoming more directly involved in lithium mining as it hopes to gain a long-term advantage in securing the key battery resource. BYD sold more than 320,000 EVs last year, while VW sold around 70,000 of its ID family of electric cars in China, well short of its internal target.
âMarkets are always about the future,â Diess said when asked why investors valued Tesla at such a premium to other traditional carmakers, such as Volkswagen. 
âTesla currently is in the lead when it comes to EVs, probably also it is the most digital car company already and they have some advantages,â he continued. âWe are still aiming at keeping up and probably overtaking by 2025 when it comes to sales.â Diess said Tesla has been able to demonstrate good results and high returns with a credible business model. However, he reaffirmed his belief that Volkswagen could soon close the gap when it comes to EV sales. 
âI think for Tesla, also, ramping up now will probably be a bit more challenging. They are opening up new plants and we are trying to keep up speed. We think in the second half of the year, we are going to create some momentum,â Diess said.
volkswagen ceo says carmaker will overtake tesla on ev sales by 2025 2022
The worldâs largest carmakers have warned supply chain disruptions and higher raw material prices threaten the rollout of electric vehicles, even as demand for battery-powered models vastly exceeds manufacturersâ current production capacities. Speaking at the Financial Timesâ eighth Future of the Car summit this week, Tesla (US.TSLA) boss Elon Musk cast doubt on his companyâs ability to reach its target â put in place just months ago â of delivering 20mn electric cars a year by the end of the decade, calling it an âaspiration, not a promiseâ. But the tone at the summit this week was markedly more reserved. Not a single leading executive announced higher targets for electric vehicle sales, or battery production. Teslaâs closest competitor, Volkswagen (DE.VOW3), which has long aimed to overtake its rival in electric vehicle sales by 2025, played down its prospects of reaching that goal, calling it âvery, very tightâ. âMany people are now, I think, a bit over-optimistic,â said VW chief executive Herbert Diess, referring to the rollout of electric vehicles worldwide.
Volkswagen nu se aÈteaptÄ ca deficitul global de semiconductori sÄ se încheie în acest an, deÈi considerÄ cÄ ar trebui sÄ se atenueze uÈor în semestrul al doilea, a declarat un membru al consiliului de administraÈie, citat de revista Automobilwoche, transmite Reuters. âSituaÈia volatilÄ ne va afecta Èi dincolo de prima jumÄtate a acestui anâ, a declarat Murat Aksel, Èeful de achiziÈii din board-ul Volkswagen, într-un interviu pentru Automobilwoche.
Volkswagen nu se aÈteaptÄ ca deficitul global de semiconductori sÄ se încheie în acest an, deÈi considerÄ cÄ ar trebui sÄ se atenueze uÈor în semestrul al doilea, a declarat un membru al consiliului de administraÈie, citat de revista Automobilwoche, transmite Reuters. âSituaÈia volatilÄ ne va afecta Èi dincolo de prima jumÄtate a acestui anâ, a declarat Murat Aksel, Èeful de achiziÈii din board-ul Volkswagen, într-un interviu pentru Automobilwoche.