Tranzactioneaza Siemens AG (DE.SIE) - 225.4 EUR (%) Tranzactioneaza
Siemens si Microsoft au anuntat, in cursul saptamanii curente, un proiect comun de utilizare a inteligentei artificiale pentru a creste productivitatea si colaborarea intre om si tehnologie. Astfel, in cadrul programului Siemens Industrial Copilot, cele 2 companii vor colabora pentru a utiliza inteligenta artificiala generativa pentru industriile de productie, transport si sanatate, intr-un mod care va permite rezolvarea unor sarcini care durau, pana acum cateva saptamani, doar cateva minute. (Sursa: siemens microsoft work together ai project 10 312023)
In primul trimestru din 2023, Siemens q2 p earnings release en 2023 venituri totale de 19.4 mld. EUR (+14% vs perioada similara din 2022), peste siemens raises outlook after q2 sales beats forecasts 05 172023 analistilor. Comenzile q2 p earnings release en 2023 cu 13% (vs perioada similara din 2022), la 23.6 mld. EUR. Profitul net aproape ca q2 p earnings release en 2023 (vs perioada similara din 2022), la 3.55 mld. EUR. Fluxul pozitiv de numerar q2 p earnings release en 2023 cu 77% (vs perioada similara din 2022), la 2.35 mld. EUR.
Roland Busch, CEO si presedinte, Siemens: #:~:text=%22We%20had%20a,second%20half%2Dyear 2023 o foarte buna prima jumatate de an fiscal, suntem optimisti in privinta celei de-a doua.
Cu ocazia publicarii rezultatelor trimestriale, Siemens q2 p earnings release en 2023 estimari in crestere pentru intregul an fiscal, atat in privinta veniturilor totale, cat si a profitabilitatii.
Siemens (DE.SIE) has signed a partnership agreement with Automotive Cells Company (ACC) to supply equipment and technology for new factories making batteries for electric vehicles, the German engineering company said on Thursday. Digital twin technology from Siemens will speed up the startup of ACC's factories in Billy-Berclau Douvrin, France, Kaiserslautern, Germany, and possibly Termoli, Italy, Siemens said. 
Terms of the partnership, which is part of the Siemens Xcelerator open digital platform launched earlier this year, have not been revealed. The cloud-based platform, which will feature hardware, software and digital services, is part of Siemens' ambition to grow its digital business by 10% per year from the 5.6 billion euros ($5.89 billion) generated in 2021. 
Siemens will give ACC access to its digital enterprise portfolio of hardware and software, from production design to product design, from product lifecycle management to energy management systems.
siemens signs deal with electric battery producer acc 10 132022
Siemensâ announcement came on the same day that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed support for hydrogen during her State of the Union address. In remarks translated on the Commissionâs website, von der Leyen said âhydrogen can be a game changer for Europe. We need to move our hydrogen economy from niche to scale.â In her speech, von der Leyen also referred to a â2030 target to produce ten million tons of renewable hydrogen in the EU, each year.â
green hydrogen siemens commissions german production plant 2022
Siemens (DE.SIE) a raportat venituri mai bune decat se astepta pentru al treilea trimestru din 2022, dupa ce o depreciere a investitiei sale in Siemens Energya a impins grupul de inginerie si tehnologie in "rosu" pentru prima data in aproape 12 ani. 
Mai exact, veniturile ce au crescut cu 11%, depasind previziunile analistilor, Dar... cu toate acestea, compania a inregistrat o pierdere neta de 1.6 mld. EUR. 
Prima pierdere trimestriala a Siemens din al patrulea trimestru din 2010 a determinat compania sa-si reduca perspectivele privind profitul/actiune pentru intregul an la 5.33 - 5.73 EUR/actiune, de la 8.70 - 9.10 EUR anterior.
siemens writedown pushes company into first loss since 2010 2022
  Siemens (DE.SIE) said on Thursday it was booking a writedown that will result in a 2.8 billion euro ($2.93 billion) impact on the German engineering company's third quarter net income. The impairment is related to the fall in the value of Siemens Energy ENR1n.DE, which is 35% by Siemens AG after the spin off in 2020. 
  Siemens Energy (DE.ENR) has had a troubled first two years since the separation, with Siemens executives frequently voicing disappointment with the company's performance, particularly at its wind turbine unit Siemens Gamesa. Siemens Energy also warned in April that its own trading environment had become more difficult due to the war in Ukraine and sanctions imposed on Russia.
siemens writedown for siemens energy to hit q3 net profit by 2.8 bln euros
Cresterea a fost de 52% (y/y), comenzile noi totalizand 24 miliarde EUR. Comenzile totale au ajuns la 93 miliarde EUR, cea mai mare valoare din istoria companiei.
siemens reports big surge in orders as profit beats forecast 2022