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Apple va produce propriile ecrane

Potrivit unor 01 112023 neconfirmate oficial, Apple intentioneaza sa produca ecrane in-house, chiar din 2024, pentru propriile device-uri mobile, reducand astfel dependenta de parteneri traditionali precum Samsung Electronics si LG Electronics. Aceasta intentie era pe agenda Apple inca din 2018. Apple inseamna 36% din veniturile anuale ale LG Display si circa 7% din veniturile anuale ale Sanmsung Electronics.

Potrivit altor 01 092023 neconfirmate oficial, Apple vrea sa inlocuiasca cipurile Broadcom si Qualcomm din device-urile sale cu unele fabricate in-house, din 2024 sau 2025. Apple este cel mai mare client pentru Broadcom, reprezentand circa 20% din veniturile anuale ale acesteia, adica in jur de 7 mld. USD. La Qualcomm, 22% din veniturile anuale vin de la Apple, adica in jur de 10 mld. USD.

Dorinta celor de la Apple de a-si produce in-house cat mai multe componente critice vine in paralel cu relocarea tot mai pronuntata a capacitatilor de productie in afara Chinei.

In perioada aprilie - decembrie a anului trecut, Apple 01 092023 iPhone-uri produse in India in valoare de peste 2.5 mld. USD. Cifra este de aproape 2x mai mare decat cea inregistrata in intreg anul fiscal precedent. Apple a inceput sa asambleze iPhone-uri in India in 2017, dar cele mai noi modele sunt produse local din 2022.

Apple va publica rezultatele financiare trimestriale pe 2 februarie, dupa incheierea sedintei de tranzactionare.


Lithium Developer Liontown Adds Ford Pact After Deal With Tesla

&nbsp Liontown Resources Ltd. agreed to an initial five-year deal with Ford Motor Co. (US.F) to supply lithium material from an Australian mine project that’s expected to begin production from 2024. Automakers globally are racing to secure deals for the future supply of key battery metals as they aim to rapidly expand sales of electric models, and amid concerns over potential tight markets for some materials. About $14 billion of investment is needed to develop planned sufficient lithium production capacity by 2025, according to BloombergNEF.&nbsp

&nbsp Perth-based Liontown’s agreement with Ford will see the miner supply an initial 75,000 dry metric tons of spodumene a year, increasing to double that volume in the final two years of the deal. Together with the pacts with Tesla (US.TSLA) and LG (DE.LGLG), Liontown has now secured contract customers for 90% of Kathleen Valley’s initial production, and will retain the remainder for short-term or spot sales.

lithium developer liontown adds ford 07207.html?.tsrc=fin srch2318

LG Reviews $1.3 Billion Arizona Battery Plant on Rising Costs

&nbsp LG Energy Solution Ltd. (DE.LGLG), the world’s second-largest electric-car battery maker, is reviewing plans to build a $1.3 billion plant in Arizona as surging materials prices inflate the cost of the project.&nbsp

&nbsp LG Energy had planned to spend 1.7 trillion won ($1.3 billion) to build a plant with 11 gigawatt hours of capacity in Queen Creek, Arizona, to supply cylinder-type batteries for EV startups. Construction was set to start in the second quarter with mass production scheduled for the second half of 2024, LG Energy announced in March.

&nbsp A final decision whether to build the Arizona plant will be made after LG Energy consults with customers on how it can reflect cost increases in battery prices, Yonhap New reported.

06 292022