Tranzactioneaza ishares Stoxx Europe 600 Construction & Materials Ucits ETF (de) (DE.EXV8) - 72.53 EUR (%) Tranzactioneaza


📊 Burse europene: top aprecieri si scaderi in 2023

Indicele pan-european STOXX Europe 600 a 12 292023 acest an cu o apreciere de circa 13%, cea mai buna performanta dupa 2021.

FTSE MIB (Italia): +28%

IBEX 35 (Spania): +23%

DAX (Germania): +20%

CAC 40 (Franta): +17%

FTSE 100 (Regatul Unit): +4%

SMI (Elvetia): +4%

In 2023, cele mai mari randamente au fost 12 292023 in sectoarele retail, tehnologie si constructii. Sectorul bancar a depasit la randul sau performanta indicelui STOXX Europe 600. Singurele doua sectoare pe minus au fost alimentatia si resursele primare.

In topul castigatorilor acestui an 12 292023 Rolls-Royce (+220%), BE Semiconductor Industries (+145%), H&amp M (+57%) si Novo Nordisk (+49%). Aprecieri substantiale au mai fost inregistrate de ASM International, ASML Holding si Inditex. Cele mai severe deprecieri au fost suferite inclusiv de Bayer si Burberry (-31%), Siemens Energy (-33%) si SBB (-70%).


Home-Price Growth Accelerated in January (DE.EXV8) (DE.ZPDM)

Home-price development quickened in January as the supply of homes for deal fell to a modern low. The S&amp P CoreLogic Case-Shiller National Domestic Cost List, which measures normal domestic costs in major metropolitan ranges over the country, rose 19.2% within the year that finished in January, compared with an 18.9% yearly pick up the earlier month. Home costs rose at a record pace in 2021 and have kept on climb this year as home-buying request emphatically outpaces the supply of homes for deal. Competition among buyers is driving to offering wars, and numerous homes are offering over their list cost.
