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📊 Burse europene: top aprecieri si scaderi in 2023

Indicele pan-european STOXX Europe 600 a 12 292023 acest an cu o apreciere de circa 13%, cea mai buna performanta dupa 2021.

FTSE MIB (Italia): +28%

IBEX 35 (Spania): +23%

DAX (Germania): +20%

CAC 40 (Franta): +17%

FTSE 100 (Regatul Unit): +4%

SMI (Elvetia): +4%

In 2023, cele mai mari randamente au fost 12 292023 in sectoarele retail, tehnologie si constructii. Sectorul bancar a depasit la randul sau performanta indicelui STOXX Europe 600. Singurele doua sectoare pe minus au fost alimentatia si resursele primare.

In topul castigatorilor acestui an 12 292023 Rolls-Royce (+220%), BE Semiconductor Industries (+145%), H&amp M (+57%) si Novo Nordisk (+49%). Aprecieri substantiale au mai fost inregistrate de ASM International, ASML Holding si Inditex. Cele mai severe deprecieri au fost suferite inclusiv de Bayer si Burberry (-31%), Siemens Energy (-33%) si SBB (-70%).


‘Apocalyptic’: Why experts fear a steep surge in food prices (DE.EXH3) (DE.RIZF) (DE.LFOD)

The BoE boss said the bank is facing "the biggest test" of its monetary frame work in 25 years amid the rising cost of living. Earlier this month, the BoE raised interest rates to 1% in attempt to bring down inflation which is at 7%, the highest in three decades. And, in a bleak warning, the Bank are predicting inflation to surpass 10% this year.

The warning comes after the World Bank said expensive food and energy will persist for the next three years due to the war and that it is the "largest commodity shock" since 1970s. “Overall, this amounts to the largest commodity shock we’ve experienced since the 1970s. "As was the case then, the shock is being aggravated by a surge in restrictions in trade of food, fuel and fertilisers," said Indermit Gill, a World Bank vice-president.

andrew bailey fear food prices surge inflation 07917 1911