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LPO (DE.DTG) In premiera, Daimler Truck va oferi dividende

Daimler Truck vrea sa plateasca, pentru oara in istoria companiei, un dividend. Valoarea bruta a acestuia este de 1.30 EUR/actiune. Randamentul dividendului, raportat la ultimul pret de inchidere, este de 4.9%. Decizia vine in contextul in care, anul trecut, producatorul de vehicule electrice de mare tonaj a avut performante financiare in linie cu prognozele initiale. Veniturile au crescut cu 28% vs. 2022, in timp ce EBIT ajustat a fost de 3.9 mld. EUR (+55% vs. 2021). Pentru anul 2023, Daimler anticipeaza ca veniturile vor creste pana in intervalul de 55-57 mld. EUR. (Surse: daimler truck forecasts higher earnings pays out first dividend 03 102023 quote)

Daimler Truck begins producing Mercedes-Benz branded trucks in China

Daimler Truck (DE.DTG) has begun producing Mercedes-Benz branded trucks in China, with the first vehicles rolling off production lines at its joint plant with China's Foton Motor Co in Beijing on Friday, the truck and bus maker said. China is the world's biggest market for heavy trucks, with around 1.5 million units sold in 2021 - more than in the U.S., Japan and Europe combined, according to data from German car association VDA.

daimler truck begins producing mercedes benz branded trucks china 09 232022

LPO (DE.DTG) Daimler Truck a demarat productia celui de-al doilea model de camion electric

Daimler Truck a demarat productia celui de-al doilea model electric al sau, un camion de colectare a deseurilor urbane numit eEconic. Vehiculul va fi produs in aceeasi locatie ca si primul model electric al producatorului de camioane si autobuze, camionul de mare tonaj eActros, in Woerth. La fel ca si eActros, noul camion va costa de aproximativ trei ori mai mult decat echivalentul sau diesel. Directorul general Martin Daum a declarat ca modelele electrice vor fi mai eficiente pe termen lung, datorita costurilor mai mici de alimentare cu combustibil. (Sursa:

Volvo says it has started testing trucks with fuel cells powered by hydrogen

Volvo Trucks (SE.VOLCAR) said Monday that it had begun to test vehicles that use “fuel cells powered by hydrogen,” with the Swedish firm claiming their range could extend to as much as 1,000 kilometers, or a little over 621 miles.

In a statement, Gothenburg-headquartered Volvo Trucks said refueling of the vehicles would take under 15 minutes. Customer pilots are set to begin in the next few years, with commercialization “planned for the latter part of this decade.”

Fuel cells for the vehicles will be provided by cellcentric, a joint venture with Daimler Truck (DE.DTG) that was established in March 2021.

volvo has started testing trucks with fuel cells powered by hydrogen 2022

Daimler (DE.DTG) trucks chief warns cost of electric will ‘forever be higher’

The cost of building&nbsp a battery-powered truck will “forever be higher” than a combustion engine equivalent, the boss of the world’s largest truckmaker has warned, as the war in Ukraine accelerates an already rapid rise in the price of crucial commodities. The cost of the key raw materials used in modern batteries has risen sharply over the past year, with cobalt and lithium more than doubling in price, and nickel climbing by almost 40 per cent, according to IHS Markit.

daimler trucks chief warns.html?.tsrc=fin srch07.2094