Tranzactioneaza Deutsche Bank Ag (DE.DBK) - 14.61 EUR (%) Tranzactioneaza


LPO (DE.DBK) Deutsche Bank – prima pierdere din ultimii 4 ani

Actiunile Deutsche Bank au scazut cu 6% dupa ce banca a raportat prima sa pierdere trimestriala din ultimii patru ani, intrerupand o serie de 15 trimestre profitabile. Pierderea neta, atribuibila actionarilor, a fost de 143 mil. EUR, usor mai buna decat previziunile de 145 mil. EUR. In pofida unei cresteri anuale de 10% a veniturilor diviziei sale de investment banking, la 2.6 mld. EUR, pierderea s-a datorat unui provizion de 1.3 mld. EUR pentru un proces privind divizia sa Postbank. Banca a renuntat la o a doua rascumparare de actiuni in acest an pentru a se concentra pe acumularea de capital excedentar. Analistii au considerat rezultatele in general solide, evidentiind aspecte pozitive precum cresterea cu 2% a veniturilor nete la 7.6 mld. EUR si economii in urma eficientizarii operatiunilor, de 1.5 mld. EUR. (Sursa: deutsche bank dbk q2 earnings 2024)

Wall Street si burse europene: tur de forta in raportarile trimestriale

Boeing: pierderea boeing ba q2 earnings 2023, vanzarile au fost peste asteptari.

GE: ge cuts free cash flow forecast 07 262022 ajustat si flux de numerar peste asteptari.

Deutsche Bank: profit net peste asteptari, desi in deutsche bank beats expectations despite 27percent drop in profit jump in costs 2023 cu 27% fata de perioada similara din 2022, costurile crescand cu 15%.

Rolls-Royce: rolls royce shares soar 19 percent after engine maker raises guidance 2023 estimarea de profit operational pentru intregul an, pe seama unor reduceri importante de costuri.

Snap: veniturile articles cu 4% fata de aceeasi perioada din 2022, dar au fost peste asteptari, iar pierderea neta s-a redus cu peste 10%.

GSK: venituri si profit ajustat peste asteptari, gsk raises full year expectations 07 262023 estimarile pentru intregul an.

Stellantis: venituri si profit operational peste asteptari in primul semestru, stellantis operating profit rises 11 h1 topping forecasts 07 262023 sa-si diminueze costurile pentru a pastra marjele la valori mari.

Raytheon Technologies: raytheon second quarter revenue rises 3 07 262022 ajustat peste asteptari, dar venituri sub estimarile analistilor, din cauza breselor inca prezente in lanturile de distributie.

Microsoft si Alphabet: venituri si profitabilitate in articles, pe seama reducerii costurilor.


Deutsche Bank (DBK) vrea sa-si depaseasca obiectivele de venituri

Christian Sewing, CEO Deutsche Bank, ieri intr-un material intern: 05 092023 ca ne putem depasi obiectivele privind veniturile totale in urmatorii 3 ani, dar procedurile de control al riscurilor trebuie imbunatatite.

Cifrele publicate la finalul lunii trecute au aratat ca, in primul trimestru din 2023, Deutsche Bank deutsche bank logs 11th straight quarterly profit reveals job cuts 2023 un profit net de 1.16 mld. EUR (+9% vs perioada similara din 2022), peste asteptarile analistilor, pe seama unor venituri totale de 7.7 mld. EUR (+5% vs perioada similara din 2022). Profitul pre-taxare 0427 deutsche bank reports on the first quarter results of ?language id=1#:~:text=Profit%20before%20tax%20up%2012%25%20year%20on%20year%20to%20%E2%82%AC%201 2023&nbsp 1.9 mld. EUR (+12% vs perioada similara din 2022), cel mai mare dupa 2013. Performanta a punctat al 11-lea trimestru profitabil consecutiv si s-a datorat, in buna parte, unui program amplu de restructurare care deutsche bank will exit its global equities business and scale back investment bank 2019 in 2019.

Cu ocazia publicarii cifrelor trimestriale, Deutsche Bank 04 272023 un val de concedieri, pentru a-si reduce costurile in acest an cu o suma aditionala de 500 mil. EUR (la un total de 2.5 mld. EUR). Totodata, banca germana 04 272023 ca a initiat discutii cu agentiile de supervizare in privinta unui program de rascumparare de actiuni proprii, care ar putea debuta in a doua jumatate a acestui an.

Deutsche Bank reports and events adunarea generala anuala a actionarilor saptamana viitoare, pe 17 mai.


Deutsche Bank (DBK): al 11-lea trimestru profitabil consecutiv

In primul trimestru din 2023, Deutsche Bank deutsche bank logs 11th straight quarterly profit reveals job cuts 2023 un profit net de 1.16 mld. EUR (+9% vs perioada similara din 2022), peste asteptarile analistilor, pe seama unor venituri totale de 7.7 mld. EUR (+5% vs perioada similara din 2022). Profitul pre-taxare 0427 deutsche bank reports on the first quarter results of ?language id=1#:~:text=Profit%20before%20tax%20up%2012%25%20year%20on%20year%20to%20%E2%82%AC%201 2023 de 1.9 mld. EUR (+12% vs perioada similara din 2022), cel mai mare dupa 2013. Performanta puncteaza al 11-lea trimestru profitabil consecutiv si se datoreaza, in buna parte, unui program amplu de restructurare care deutsche bank will exit its global equities business and scale back investment bank 2019 in 2019.

James von Moltke, CFO Deutsche Bank: 04 272023 sa primim clienti de la Credit Suisse.

Deutsche Bank 04 272023 azi un val de concedieri, pentru a-si reduce costurile in acest an cu o suma aditionala de 500 mil. EUR (la un total de 2.5 mld. EUR).

Totodata, banca germana 04 272023 ca a initiat discutii cu agentiile de supervizare in privinta unui program de rascumparare de actiuni proprii, care ar putea debuta in a doua jumatate a acestui an.


Christine Lagarde: bancile europene sunt solide

Christine Lagarde, presedintele Bancii Centrale Europene, 03 242023 la Bruxelles: sectorul bancar european este solid, in ciuda turbulentelor curente.

Olaf Scholtz, cancelarul Germaniei, tot 242023 la Bruxelles: Deutsche Bank s-a reorganizat complet, si-a modernizat modelul de business si este in prezent o banca foarte profitabila.

Pe bursa din Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank 03 242023 cu 15% in prima parte a sedintei de tranzactionare de azi, punctand cel mai sever declin dupa martie 2020. Alte banci europene importante 242023, la randul lor, scaderi semnificative: Commerzbank (-9%), Societe Generale, Credit Suisse, UBS (-7%), BNP Paribas, Barclays (-6%). Pana acum in martie, pe bursa germana, Deutsche Bank 242023 peste 20%.


Deutsche Bank (DBK) plonjeaza cu 15%

Pe bursa din Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank 03 242023&nbsp cu 15% in prima parte a sedintei de tranzactionare de azi, punctand cel mai sever declin dupa martie 2020. Deprecierea vine pe seama turbulentelor care au afectat recent sectorul bancar din SUA si Europa.

In 2022, Deutsche Bank deutsche bank q4 surges 3rd year annual profit 02 022023 un profit net atribuibil actionarilor de 5.03 mld. EUR, cel mai mare dupa 2007, peste asteptarile analistilor si marcand o crestere de 159% vs anul precedent.

CEO-ul Christian Sewing, luna trecuta, cu 022023 publicarii rezultatelor financiare trimestriale si anuale: Deutsche Bank deutsche bank will exit its global equities business and scale back investment bank 2019 cu succes in ultimii 3 ani si jumatate. Este nevoie, totusi, de o reducere suplimentara a costurilor, care deutsche bank q4 surges 3rd year annual profit 02 022023 include concedieri.

Cu aceeasi ocazie a publicarii rezultatelor financiare, Deutsche Bank 0202 full year results 2022?language id=1#:~:text=Proposed%20dividend%20of%20%E2%82%AC%200 2023 majorarea valorii dividendului anual, la 0.30 EUR pe actiune, comparativ cu precedenta valoare anuala de 0.20 EUR pe actiune. Totusi, Deutsche Bank 022023 ca prefera sa intarzie o eventuala decizie favorabila unui program de rascumparari de actiuni proprii.

Potrivit bancii germane, oportunitatea unui program de buybacks 022023 reexaminata in a doua jumatate a acestui an. Deutsche Bank si-a reiterat promisiunea de a distribui actionarilor 8 mld. EUR pana in 2025.


Deutsche Bank (DBK): dividend mai mare, dar fara buybacks deocamdata

Astazi, Deutsche Bank (DBK) a publicat rezultatele financiare trimestriale si anuale.

Profit net atribuibil actionarilor in Q4 2022: 1.8 mld. EUR, de aproape 2x peste cifra deutsche bank smashes profit expectations in fourth quarter as higher interest rates bolster revenue.html#:~:text=the%20investment%20bank. ,Deutsche%20Bank%20reported%20a%201.8%20billion%20euro%20(%241.98%20billion)%20net%20profit,and%20exceeded%20a%20projection%20of%204.29%20billion%20euros%20on%20the%20year., Despite%20the%20lofty2023 de analisti. Deutsche Bank deutsche bank smashes profit expectations in fourth quarter as higher interest rates bolster revenue.html#:~:text=Kai%20Pfaffenbach%20%7C%20Reuter ,Deutsche%20Bank,in%20on%20an%20uncertain%20outlook%20and%20weakness%20in%20the%20investment%20bank., Deutsche%20Bank%20reported2023 profitabila pentru al 10-lea trimestru consecutiv.

Profit net atribuibil actionarilor in 2022: 5.03 mld. EUR, cel mai mare dupa 2007, peste asteptarile analistilor si deutsche bank q4 surges 3rd year annual profit 02 022023 o crestere de 159% fata de anul precedent.

CEO-ul Christian Sewing, 022023: Deutsche Bank s-a deutsche bank will exit its global equities business and scale back investment bank 2019 cu succes in ultimii 3 ani si jumatate. Este nevoie, totusi, de o reducere suplimentara a costurilor, care deutsche bank q4 surges 3rd year annual profit 02 022023 include concedieri.

Cu ocazia publicarii rezultatelor financiare astazi, Deutsche Bank 0202 full year results 2022?language id=1#:~:text=Proposed%20dividend%20of%20%E2%82%AC%200 2023 majorarea valorii dividendului anual, la 0.30 EUR pe actiune, comparativ cu precedenta valoare anuala de 0.20 EUR pe actiune. Totusi, Deutsche Bank 022023 ca prefera sa intarzie o eventuala decizie favorabila unui program de rascumparari de actiuni proprii.

Oportunitatea unui program de buybacks 022023 reexaminata in a doua jumatate a acestui an. Deutsche Bank si-a reiterat promisiunea de a distribui actionarilor 8 mld. EUR pana in 2025.


Morgan Stanley Misuse of Personal Devices Costs $200 Million

Morgan Stanley (US.MS) said it expects to pay a $200 million fine related to a broad US investigation into the use of unapproved personal devices.

MS disclosed the expense number in its second-quarter earnings statement, saying the $200 million was “related to a specific regulatory matter concerning the use of unapproved personal devices and the firm’s record-keeping requirements.” Total non-interest expenses totaled $9.71 billion, higher than the $9.53 billion analysts were expecting.

The probe has caused headaches across the banking industry. Deutsche Bank AG’s (DE.DBK) management board agreed to cut bonuses given for last year’s performance, Bloomberg reported last month. HSBC Holdings Plc (UK.HSBA) fired a trader in London after scrutinizing some staffers’ personal mobile-phone messages on platforms such as WhatsApp.

morgan stanley misuse personal devices 49483 1157

Deutsche Bank turnaround plan hit by costly tech delay

Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK) has suffered delays and cost overruns on the integration of two IT systems, threatening a pillar of chief executive Christian Sewing’s turnround plan for Germany’s largest lender.

A projected months-long delay to combining its German retail unit Postbank with other domestic operations is set to cost €70mn and put back the start of a budgeted €300mn of annual savings, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Deutsche Bank confirmed delays but said the “duration of the project” had been extended by just three months, adding that it was “still scheduled to be finished in 2023”.


Citigroup (US.C) Is in Talks to Buy Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK) Mexico for License

Citigroup is weighing a deal to buy Deutsche Bank's Mexican bank amid plans to set up a new local unit as it exits retail operations in the country, according to people familiar with the matter. A deal with Deutsche Bank would make it easier for Citi to continue offering services to large corporations and wealthy clients after the sale, the people said. Obtaining a banking licence in Mexico can take years, and the country's banking regulator has been hobbled by an exodus of experienced officials during President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's administration.

05 242022

banking finance

Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK) cuts baseline market forecast and sees S&P 500 at 3,000 if there’s a recession

On Thursday, Deutsche Bank said the S&amp P 500 (DE.SXR8)) could fall to 3,000 if there is an imminent recession. That’s 23% below Thursday’s close.

deutsche bank cuts baseline market forecast and sees sp 500 at 3000 if theres a recession 2022

TradeTalk: 🙏 Ce-au in comun Deutsche Bank si Societe Generale?

Societe Generale (FR.GLE) se va desparti de CEO-ul Frederic Oudea... dupa 15 ani, si Paul Achleitner isi incheie un mandat de 10 ani ca presedinte al Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK). Afla din TradeTalk cum arata inceputul unei noi ere a sectorului bancar in Europa. In plus, incearca sa fii la curent cu toate stirile de Top Trending ale zilei.


European stocks slide 1.2% after undisclosed investor sells stakes in German banks; Deutsche Bank tanks 9.5%

The pan-European Euro Stoxx 600 (DE.EXSA) index was down 1.2% in early deals, with the German DAX (DE.EXS1) dropping 1.8% and the banking sector falling 2.3%. Reports on Monday indicated that an undisclosed investor had sold large stakes in Germany’s biggest lenders, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank.&nbsp

Shares of Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK)&nbsp were down 9.5% and Commerzbank (DE.CBK) was down 8.6%.

european markets set to drop as investors watch inflation central banks 2022

Investor sells big stakes in Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK), Commerzbank (DE.CBK): Bookrunner

An undisclosed investor is selling shares in Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank, a bookrunner said on Monday, stakes that amount to more than 5% in Germany’s top two lenders. The sale is for 116 million shares of Deutsche Bank and for 72.5 million shares of Commerzbank, according to a note announcing the sale.

investor sells big stakes in deutsche bank commerzbank bookrunner 2022

Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK) reverses course on Russia, says it is unwinding business there after Ukraine invasion

Deutsche Bank said Friday that it was winding down its operations in Russia, one day after its chief financial officer said it wasn’t “practical” to shutter the unit. “Like some international peers and in line with our legal regulatory obligations, we are in the process of winding down our remaining business in Russia while we help our non-Russian multinational clients in reducing their operations,” Dylan Riddle, a U.S.-based spokesperson for the German bank, said in an email. “There won’t be any new business in Russia,” he said.

deutsche bank reverses course on russia says it will unwind business there 2022

Deutsche Bank (DE.DBK) signals return to normality with buyback and dividend

Deutsche Bank signalled a more positive outlook on Wednesday saying it would undertake a 300 million euro ($339 million) share buyback and pay a dividend for 2021. The measures reflect the improved financial state of Germany's largest lender, as well as a return to more normal times after regulators prohibited buybacks and dividends during the coronavirus pandemic.