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🏗️ Burse europene: imobiliarele si producatorii auto conduc aprecierile

Indicele pan-european STOXX Europe 600 s-a apreciat saptamana asta cu peste 3%, european shares eye best week since march automobiles lead gains 11 032023 cea mai buna performanta din martie incoace.

Un indice reprezentativ pentru sectorul imobiliar a european shares eye best week since march automobiles lead gains 11 032023 cel mai spectaculos randament dupa 2008, de peste 12%. Vonovia, cel mai important dezvoltator imobiliar din Germania, a saltat cu peste 17% pe bursa din Frankfurt.

Un indice reprezentativ pentru sectorul auto a european shares eye best week since march automobiles lead gains 11 032023 saptamana asta cu peste 6%. BMW s-a apreciat cu 2% vineri si cu aproape 5% saptamana asta, dupa ce producatorul german a 11 032023 marje de profit mai mari in T3/2023.

Pe bursa americana, Ferrari a inchis vineri la peste 331 USD pe actiune, card11.03.2023 un nou maxim record, pe seama unei aprecieri de peste 2%. Producatorul italian earnings joi cresteri anuale de 45%, respectiv 24% ale profitului net si veniturilor totale in T3/2023, precum si o imbunatatire a estimarilor financiare pentru intregul an curent. Actiunile Ferrari sunt mai sus cu aproximativ 55% in acest an.

Singurul sector european pe minus saptamana asta a fost energia, al carei indice reprezentativ a european shares eye best week since march automobiles lead gains 11 032023 un declin de peste 2%.

La finalul acestei saptamani, investitorii traders bet ecb will be first big central bank cut rates 11 032023 o probabilitate de peste 80% in favoarea unei taieri cu 25 bps a dobanzii de referinta din zona euro cu ocazia anuntului de politica monetara al Bancii Centrale Europene programat pentru aprilie anul viitor.


TradeTalk: 🍏 Fed-ul in zodia Marului

Dobanzile sunt pentru bursa ceea ce-i gravitatia pentru mar, le-a zis Warren Buffett in 2013 actionarilor Berkshire Hathaway. Zece ani mai tarziu, nici macar cel mai scump mar din lume n-a reusit sa se sustraga fizicii lui Jay Powell.

Apple a scapat in octombrie cu...



BMW: 15% din vanzari vor fi electrice in 2023

In 2022, procentul modelelor auto electrice livrate de BMW la nivel global bmw more than doubles fully electric vehicle sales 20 01 0422.2023, ajungand la aproape 10% din totalul vanzarilor. Pentru 2023, producatorul german urmareste cresterea aceluiasi procent la 15%.

In SUA, BMW 8 5 of bmw usa sales electric in 4th quarter2023 mai multe autovehicule electrice in trimestrul 4 al anului trecut decat in primele trei trimestre luate impreuna. Modelele electrice au insemnat aproape 5% din totalul vanzarilor locale inregistrate in intregul an 2022, procentul fiind de 8.5% in ultimul trimestru.


BMW Expects EV Sales to Jump 70% Next Year on Strong Demand

BMW AG expects global deliveries of its fully-electric vehicles to jump more than 70% next year as demand remains strong, the automaker’s chief financial officer said. EV deliveries are expected to climb to 400,000 in 2023 from an expected 240,000 to 245,000 this year.


09 262022

BMW bets on cylindrical battery cells for new class of EVs from 2025

BMW's new generation of batteries will use more nickel and silicon and less cobalt, leading to a 20% increase in energy density, 30% faster charging and a 30% longer range than previous generations. A spokesperson for CATL, which has supplied BMW for a decade and is looking at potential battery factory sites in the United States, told Reuters in May it would begin supplying cylindrical cells to BMW from 2025, but the carmaker declined to comment at the time.


bmw bets cylindrical battery cells new class evs 20 09 0925.2022

BMW Starts Making Fuel-Cell Systems for Hydrogen Car Fleet

BMW is the last remaining German luxury-car maker to pursue hydrogen drivetrains: Mercedes stopped the production of its GLC fuel cell SUV to concentrate on battery-powered cars Audi shelved hydrogen test-fleet plans for the same reason.&nbsp

Zipse said hydrogen fuel cells could provide a climate-friendly option for a significant segment of consumers -- 20% to 30%, he estimated -- who won’t be well enough served by the charging infrastructure to use a fully electric vehicle. He referred primarily to drivers making longer journeys across rural areas.

The CEO added that the fuel cells would help reduce dependencies on certain raw materials, such as lithium and cobalt, because the hydrogen-based system uses primarily aluminum, steel and platinum -- metals that are more readily recyclable. At the same time, the back-up battery for a fuel-cell system is roughly one-tenth the size of those used in EVs with a comparable range.


08 312022

BMW Opens Electric-Car Plant in China

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (DE.BMW) opened a $2.2 billion plant in China for electric cars, as the German auto maker seeks to catch up with Tesla Inc. (US.TSLA) and Chinese rivals in the country’s booming electric-vehicle market.

The 15 billion yuan investment in the plant is the biggest that BMW BMW -0.47% has ever made in China, its largest market, the company said in a statement Thursday. The plant in the northern industrial city of Shenyang will be operated by BMW and its local partner and will boost the joint venture’s annual output by around 18% from 2021 to 830,000 vehicles, BMW said.

The plant, BMW’s third car factory in China with state-backed Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd., will play an important role in accelerating the company’s electrification transformation, said Jochen Goller, president and chief executive of BMW in China.


Solid Power, backed by Ford and BMW, begins pilot production of innovative EV battery with longer range and quicker recharging

Solid Power (US.SLDP), a Colorado-based battery start-up backed by BMW (DE.BMW) and Ford Motor (US.F), said it has begun pilot production of an innovative solid-state battery cell that promises to offer electric-vehicle owners more range and shorter recharging times at lower cost. Solid Power’s effort is one of several underway that aims to bring solid-state battery cells to market for use in electric vehicles. Its rivals range from public companies such as QuantumScape (US.QS) to private efforts funded by giants such as Toyota (US.TM). Solid Power’s advantage might be unique: While at least some rivals’ designs will require costly specialized factories, Solid Power said its batteries can be produced using the tooling and processes already in place in current factories making lithium-ion battery cells. The company expects to begin shipping batteries to its automotive partners, BMW and Ford, for testing in prototype vehicles by the end of this year, CEO Doug Campbell said — a key step in the “validation” process needed to supply batteries to automakers at scale. Campbell told CNBC that if all goes well, he expects the automakers to sign off on Solid Power’s battery design sometime in the first half of 2024.

solid power begins pilot production of solid state ev battery 2022

BMW (DE.BMW), VW (DE.VOW) warn of shortages from part suppliers in Ukraine

BMW and Volkswagen warned this week that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is causing shortages of some vital components, forcing them to reduce vehicle production in Europe. The two German carmakers said the war is having a “negative" effect on auto supply chains, which have already been battered by shortages of semiconductors.

bmw vw warn shortages part 01089 1624

BMW (DE.BMW) cuts 2022 profit forecast for car segment due to Ukraine war

BMW lowered its profit margin expectations for its automotive segment for 2022 due to the war in Ukraine, the German carmaker said on Wednesday. BMW Group now predicts growth of earnings before interest and taxation (EBIT) in its car segment in a range of 7-9% due to the war’s effects on production.

bmw cuts profit forecast for car segment due to ukraine war 2022

BMW (BMW) (DE.BMW), prezenta si mai puternica in China

Autoritatile chineze au autorizat BMW sa-si majoreze la 75% participatia in producatorul auto local Brilliance China Automotive Holdings. BMW estimeaza un impact pozitiv asupra propriei profitabilitati in valoare de pana la 8 miliarde EUR.


Şeful BMW (DE.BMW) avertizează împotriva „interzicerii premature” a motoarelor cu ardere internă

Oliver Zipse, şeful Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW), a avertizat asupra "interzicerii premature şi nepotrivite" a motoarelor cu ardere internă, chiar dacă mobilitatea electrică este un segment al pieţei în creştere rapidă, transmite DPA.

„Totuşi, cel mai mare segment de piaţă, în termeni absoluţi, în Germania, dar şi în Europa şi pe plan global, îl reprezintă motoarele cu ardere internă. Înainte de a renunţa pur şi simplu la ele trebuie să ştii într-adevăr ce faci”, este de părere Zipse.

seful bmw avertizeaza impotriva interzicerii premature a motoarelor cu ardere interna 86 5579