Tranzactioneaza Bayer AG (DE.BAYN) - 26.61 EUR (%) Tranzactioneaza
Pentru 2023, Bayer bayer sees lower operating profit cost inflation 02 282023 la un profit operational de pana la 13 mld. EUR, in scadere fata de cel obtinut anul trecut, de 13.5 mld. EUR (mai mare cu 21% vs anul precedent). Cauza indicata de companie este posibila reducere a preturilor ierbicidelor si ale celor mai importante produse farmaceutice pe care le comercializeaza.
Cu ocazia publicarii rezultatelor trimestriale, CEO-ul Werner Baumann bayer sees lower operating profit cost inflation 02 282023  rolul celor doua arii de business in care activeaza Bayer, respectiv sanatatea si alimentatia. Totusi, compania germana isi va schimba CEO-ul, Werner Baumann bill anderson to become ceo of bayer ag sa fie inlocuit incepand cu 1 iunie de Bill Anderson, care vine de la gigantul farmaceutic elvetian Roche, in conditiile in care o serie de actionari solicita simplificarea structurii corporative la Bayer si separarea companiei in mai multe grupuri.
Pe bursa din Frankfurt, Bayer a castigat 16% fata de inceputul anului, dar actiunile 02 282023 mai jos cu circa 40% fata de momentul bayer closes monsanto acquisition achizitiei Monsanto, din iunie 2018.
Agriculture and pharmaceuticals company Bayer said its quarterly adjusted earnings rose by a better than expected 27.5% on strong gains at its seeds and pesticides business. First quarter earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA), adjusted for one-off items, came in at â¬5.25 billion. This was well above the average analyst estimate of â¬4.65 billion posted on the company's website.
German drugmaker Bayer said it will invest about 2 billion euros ($2.23 billion) in pharmaceutical facilities over the next three years, mainly to boost the production of biotech drugs and cell and gene therapies. Locations to be updated include Berkeley, California, and Berlin, Leverkusen and Bergkamen in Germany. In addition, Bayer will transfer to the new operator its production facilities in Canchonero, São Paulo, Brazil, and parts of the infrastructure and services at its plants in Bergkarmen, Wuppertal and Berlin in Germany.